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click to enlarge-In honor of the 1st Full Moon of Aug 2012 |
This passage in "The Narrow Door" Parable. Even its thought... angers some. Their question of it is 'how can a loving God call this love?' ???
Pondering's.... I labeled today... By the redline under it... it appears to not even be a word. I digress.
As read the LIVING WORD of God yesterday... could hear many, actually just about anyone asking this very same question today. It causes fierce debates. I'm no scholar, or theologian so no profound knowledge comes from me. Ponderings... call today, quite simply God's Word is from where they come today.
This passage in "the Narrow Door" Parable. NIV study notes share: perhaps the questioner observed that in spite of the very large crowds that came to hear Jesus' preachings and be healed, there were only a few followers who were loyal.Jesus did not answer directly, but warned that many would try to enter after it was too late.
"...I don't know you or where you come from..."(v27) simply why.<><<><<><
Jesus often spoke in parables to use word pictures to illustrate the depth- meaning of The Word.
There are high and low illustrations here in this Chapter 13 of Luke. "The Mustardseed ..." has always been a favorite and the Yeast in the dough. In it Jesus made a word picture of HOPE, FAITH. Considering both are considered a walk, not a visual... Jesus sought to make the image clear.
Just as He does here in 22-30 The Narrow Door. This and The Fig Tree earlier in 6-9... are quite simply hard messages that share God's grace, hope for us ALL... YET consequences of OUR choice, actions... remain. Its actually evidence that God is NOT a dictator. That a pondering for another day.
The answer to remedy this quesion pondered today really lies here in "The Narrow Door" Not my word... God's Word... God breathed that we may see its counsel should we choose to.
The questioner observed accurately the great number that heard and knew who Jesus was. They even may know His words.
Here remains the sobering reality check we ALL must recognize. Satan himself knows God's word, frontwards and backwards. He knows exactly how to twist it into his self serving gain. That twist is ever so subtle - yet it remains eternally different. "Too harsh" - you say? "How can a loving God judge this way?" Its not about judging here- really - its about truth.
Truth remains the truth. It can not be changed. No matter how strong the want to, OR they saying its of the times... OR the conforming with the crowd and what they proclaim.
Jesus is Truth... ALL TRUTH. He is The Way (Narrow Door) The Life (entering in) The Truth (Kingdom)
Be careful what you choose to believe... what word, voice, crowd you follow...
YOU may even KNOW who Jesus is-
the question here is deep, but oh so simple-
Does Jesus know you?
Oh, He the Omnipotent, knows who you are. Do you have a relationship with Him, or have you simply seen Him, heard Him speak, and then went on your merry way?
What difference has His Word, His Way, His Truth, His coming made in YOUR LIFE?
I could stop here. Ponderings defined.... memory recalls a past pastors parable of this. I've shared it before... here it is again, with today's ponderings twist:
You are at church, the Sunday morning pews experiencing their standard filling up and are almost full. Empty seats are scattered all about though. Front rows almost always seem reserved for the late comers... no different today. There you sit.
The more comfortable members will wiggle their way into an empty center pew seat. Then you see coming in the back center door Him. You know Him. Others silently recognize Him coming in too. You are sure it is Him. As He quietly enters, rushing a bit, service about to begin, wanting not to disrupt... He politely waves and or says 'hi' to glances His way. Some He knows... some know Him as He passes them... looking for a seat. There you are, a late comer, right up front... there is an empty seat right next to you. Here He comes, right towards you... You KNOW HIM! Excited, humbled.
THAT is not the question posed in this "Narrow Door" parable though. The question is...
"Does He know you?" Will He politely shake your hand and greet you with a 'hi' before He sits down...
will He hug you and call you by name, so glad to see a friend as He sits down next to you, a fellow friend and keeper of the faith.???????
Will Jesus know you?
YOU may know who Jesus is. So does satan, and he shutters. Does Jesus know you? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? Have you asked Jesus into your heart? " How? How could this be?" you may ask. Simply knock, simply seek -before its too late. Today, now... not only will He fill the empty chair next to you... he will fulfill that empty spot in your heart reserved for Him. The purpose of it and all your love. Seek His face... it may not be the way the crowd is going - it is the way through that narrow door. The Way that NEVER leaves you standing outside- being painfully aware the difference between being inside or out... is simply the difference of being known or unknown.
Blessed be the name of The Lord. Blessed be the one that prepares the way for the Lord.
Will Jesus know you? Ponder no more...
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, God sent, Godspeed.