
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said; "With man this is impossible, but NOT with God, ALL things are possible with God."

"Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle..." The context of above Scripture

Want for nothing... need for everything.  Most insecure confident person you'll ever meet.  Oxymoron or full circle? ...Passionate about life and thankful for the Truth in it, of it - that it is a precious GIFT to live outloud to share to celebrate.  Its incomplete if not used to give to others- particularly with random acts of kindness.  Always spoken in the language of love and also truth... as our Greatest Teacher has taught us to do. 
Circle of life equals that its not about you (our self)... remembering, as given comes around again.
So, Make it good.
Be the GOOD influence in all that you are blessed to do.  THAT the Counsel this spirit has been given by the The Spirit, at least whats perceived.  NO theologian, No Scholar, can't even spell to save my life.... proper sentence, right... yet..."Holy Spirit counsel please my spirit with Your Spirit""May I hear God's perspective, surrounded with Godly Counsel to my way" may be the prayer.  God alone knows....
I simply may thank God for love, and the opportunity to love because He is Love and He 1st loved me.  Thank you God for the opportunity for fasting and prayer.  Yes, God keeps His promises forever and a day.  This one, "Seek and thy shall find." "Where your heart is - your treasure is"(paraphrase) Dare I share, be exposed? God is the hedge of protection. You God make life - therefore with You, it is complete... without You its void of core purposes... it simply spins.  The circle is not complete.  "Every good and perfect gift cometh down from the Father of heavenly lights - who does not change like sifting sands"

May it be an UP day! Key given to this heart today, In the Circle of Life... what is given comes around again... SO make it good.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Picture above of painting done the other night, crooked picture with camera phone...
ok, now

No Time to type today... for at the risk of FULL disclosure, am simply posting photos from camera phone to here of today's 'In His Light... Before The Dawn" Entries. God only knows... why. So,
May it be an UP day
in every way

AND to go a long with these awesome photo that am in the midst of painting too... that just so happens to be a RAINBOW from the other night.
God's Reminder to US that HE KEEPS HIS PROMISES!

So, perhaps today's entries are simply to show others how the journaling process is done... I don't know. Pray for me please. HAVE DEADLINES to keep! May the work of these hands honor and glorify HIS gifts and talents given GODspeed!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The bookmarked Bible chapter is Acts 26, it also brings me to recall my 1st Chapter of the saving knowledge of Jesus in my life (came in 1995). It calls me to recall my personal Damascus Road experience that I had on Center Rd as a matter of fact, on my way to pick up my youngest son from 2 day pre-school at the VC pre-school, when it was still behind Calvary Church on Ven. Ave. With this memory on my heart, I pick up my Bible to study Paul’s testimony and remembering of Jesus’ call on his life.
Acts Chapter 26

Paul was on trial “…because of my hope in what God has promised our fathers…”6. 7 notes the promise the twelve “tribes are hoping to see fulfilled as they earnestly serve God day and night”. Paul was on trial for doing nothing but serving Jesus’ call and testifying to / of the resurrected Christ. In 9 Paul testifies how he zealously “opposed the name of Jesus of Nazareth” 12 Testifies he was on just such a journey to oppose a Christ follower. 13”…as I was on the road, I saw a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, blazing around me…”

<><<><<>< I personally thank God for this testimony of Paul’s, for it helps me to make sense out of my own “Damascus Road” experience. My own being engulfed/consumed by this light from heaven then also hearing Jesus say “it is I…” 12-15 <><<><<>< At Bible study last night our ‘fearless leader’ lovingly call her reminded me that ‘the light’ or seeking Jesus’ face, and the journaling/quiet time was not my/our surrender. The important part that Pastor Matt is having us “remember & record” our God Story is that it reminds me of this and of how my adult call began… after a naive prayer: “God there must be more to life than this?” Like Paul at the time, thought I was doing ALL the ‘right’ steps. Life felt still wrong. My personal ‘more to life’ came when Jesus entered in and came in and literally took hold of my heart by opening the eyes of it and entered into my heart when I asked Him to. (A disclaimer: I am NO theologian, and know nothing but my own perceived life experiences and encounters with God in my life) Jesus speaks to Paul as he, then Saul testifies in Acts 26:14-18. Jesus spoke to him and only he heard and understood the words that were beings said – for Jesus literally spoke them to Saul/Paul. 16”Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of Me and what I will show you.” <><<><<>< I pause here to remember – ‘my God story’ my call to ‘the knowledge of the glory of God found in the face of Christ’ (why 2 Cor 4:6 is my life verse) Paul’s story of Jesus “I have appeared to you to appoint you as a SERVANT and as a WITNESS of what you have seen of ME” This testimony is given to us… by Paul who looks back and remembers. This – this is my God story too? Perhaps this is ALL of ours God story? In the miracle of Christ IN, literally IN our lives – Jesus meets each and every one of us ‘where we are’ and ‘according to our faith’. He speaks to each of our hearts as each of our hearts needs Him too. Not all have a ‘Damascus Road’ experience, nor do all have such a dramatic ‘conversion’ experience. ALL though DO have a ‘God Story’ of when they heard Jesus say to them; ‘I Am Jesus’, ‘It is I’, ‘Here I Am’ ! ALL who call on the name of Jesus in faith… have heard Him, felt Him take hold of their heart. IF you have asked Him in, Jesus has entered. And there He remains for all eternity. Amazingly, just by our asking, sometimes in the answer to a naive prayer as was how He came to me. 2 Corinthians 4:6 testifies of my life verse, as does the Red Letters of Christ in John 8:31-32
It was Jesus’ audible whisper in my ear “The truth will set you free…” that led me FINALLY to God’s Word. In my naivety – God’s Word was NOT where I started my search ‘for Truth’ – I probably in my ‘perfectionist’ way – tried absolutely every other avenue before Jesus’ Words from my ‘Damascus Road’ conversion AND His Light from Heaven that consumed me – began to make sense. Heck, I remember at first, being afraid to even tell anyone for fear that they would think I was crazy. Perhaps now in my maturity, I have given up on that little secret getting out. KIDDING… but don’t we all have a degree of sanity? (smile) I still have not entered here my whole amazing story, instead simply allow for Paul’s, one of the greatest life conversion story’s to speak to a converted life’s call.
Back to John 8:31-32 for a minute. How many times have you heard someone say, “the truth will set you free” ???
This – God’s whisper to me – set me out searching indeed. It wasn’t until the horrors found in the worlds search – that I fully came to understand the freedom of which “Jesus said, ‘If you hold to My teachings (Word KJV), you are really My disciples. Then you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.” The NIV notes here: 31- believed as in a formal profession of faith as definition of a true believer. 32- the truth equals Jesus. It is NOT philosophical truth but the truth that leads to salvation. Free equals freedom from sin, NOT from ignorance.
Whew! Pausing back at Saul’s God Story that he as Paul gives testimony of in Acts 26. Reading on, now at 17-18… must pause. For in these Red Letters there is no coincidence of what God’s call made passionate in this, my life. It is to bring His light into the dark – especially to those who don’t even know that they are in the dark. This – the call, the passion Christ Jesus placed on my heart – my life. A very small picture of the intensity of why this is a call felt, well, let’s just say I went to Art School in New York City. Also, obviously or Perhaps to one that was not consumed in the same conversion experience will not have this passion as intensely… no passion that Christ has placed on our hearts can be wrong can it? In it, with it, we must seek His way to press on in it. Meet God where HE is, not ask Him to meet us where we are. “take every thought captive to Christ”

Ok, digress; Jesus’ word to Paul is Acts 26:17 “I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I Am sending you to them 18 to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.”

As spoken to Paul then is spoken again to us today?
World’s reality combined with being reminded of Jesus’ Truth and Call here. In the remembering of my “God Story” here I pause to ponder and recall. In prayer ask God to speak to my heart, spirit, soul, mind and be my strength… to listen, hear, heed and yes – record – LEARN – DO; In Jesus’ name that which Christ Jesus took hold of me for. I remain so very Thankful that I may press on to take hold of exactly that, AND that God is not done with me yet. Sometimes do wish did not have so VERY much to learn! Alas, in these entries here simply share “In His Light… Before the Dawn”. This side of heaven have not arrived… simply know am called to press on. Pastor Matt asked us to remember, In that remembering brings to our foreknowledge the remembering of God’s faithfulness in our lives. Bible Study last night we were reminded to surrender. Ok. Here I be in my seeking of the great I Am. THANK YOU GOD
In Jesus’ name. AMEN
Continued Study of Acts 26, Romans 7:14-8:23 my bookmark.