Began at 2 Corinthians 12, then on through Chapter 13. These two passages have been for a long timed marked here on my heart and have read or turned to many a time before... for encouragement and counsel from God's living word.
Starting at 2Cor.12:8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But He said to me; "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore, I boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10..., for Christ's sake... For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Cor 13:14 May the GRACE of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the LOVE of GOD, and the FELLOWSHIP of the HOLY SPIRIT be with you all.
<><<><<>< The Trinity
Noting of verse 13:14: This benediction is Trianitarian in form and has ever since been a part of Christian worship tradition. It serves to remind us that the mystery of the Holy Trinity is known to be TRUE not though rational or philosophical explanation but through Christian experience where by the believer knows first hand the GRACE, the LOVE, and the FELLOWSHIP that freely flow to him from the Three Persons of the One Lord God.
In this and these may simply say: Thank You God! Yes, my Lord, YES...
Peace Like A River flow through me, by grace, love and fellowship with YOU the Truine GOD-
JOY forever and ever in YOUR Sovereignty. The meek shall inherit the earth... in as much as Paul speaks in 12:10...for Christ's sake...for when I am weak, then I am strong.
Jesus Himself spoke "Not My Will, The Father's Will" -comes to my heart. Jesus fully God, made Himself NOTHING by Gods LOVE to serve Gods Will to deliver to us Gods GRACE that we may be a part, as one with GOD by giving to us Fellowship.
Take off your sandals, YOU are standing on HOLY GROUND
Fellowship with The Three Persons of the One Lord GOD
Christ The Bridge
as Paul teaches us in 2 Cor 12- there is NO boasting in ourselves cept ourselves in Christ's grace that blankets us with Gods love and give to us fellowship in Him/with Him
In Christ, when we are weak in SELF, therefore no righteousness in our-self, purely recognized by Christ and the grace He delivered to us through
His Righteousness
for the TRUTH remains
"What is impossible for man - is NOT for God - ALL THINGS are possible for GOD"
All Things...
yes, where i am weak leaves a reflection of what has been done, has been done by GOD,
my only boast is of Faith in Him
and thanks be to GOD for His indescribable love, grace and fellowship
that enables a wretch like me to be saved and press on in this race.
In Him His ALL THINGS lives out loud even in us...
'If God is for us, none can come against us' - His will be done
His good perfect and pleasing will
for lifting up this spirit with Your Spirit
reminding me YOU are able, Your are here
all will be made clear
amen and amen... in Him the Amen is spoken
Romans 11:33-36 Doxology
33 Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of GOD! How unsearchable His judgements, and His paths beyond tracing out!
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