Bible Bookmarked At: Matthew 17:1-18:21 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2017:1%20-%20!8:21&version=31
In all the times that I have read the Bible, this mornings is the 1st time seeing: “The Temple Tax” Matthew 17:24-27. Previous day focused on 18:1-20 which are still the Red letters drawn to. Most recognized, remembered. It’s nice to see the familiar as I am using an unfamiliar Bible. Unfamiliar NOT in content/context – in is newer, less worn version. Familiar Bible is literally coming apart at the seams, so am resting it, in hopes of not losing pages that are holding on by threads, or torn loose all together. The pages here are uncreased or marked etc. Unfamiliar positioning of favorite Scriptures: No margin notes noted of yet. Not broken in, I guess you could say. Do enjoy the study notes included on each page of this new ‘Study Bible’
Alas, here, Jesus in 27a “But so that we may not offend them…”
Is Another example of where The ‘I AM’ did not have to answer to this earthly demand, He had power over it- YET, remembered not only why He had come, but who He was to this annual requirement by their law.
17:26 “Then the sons are exempt,” Jesus said to him--- THEN comes the above noted verse 27.
So as verse 17:20 reminds in faith- “Nothing will be impossible for you.” Jesus did not ignore the legalities to even Divinity…here. Divine paid as only by faith in the God that “chose the things that are not to nullify the things that are”(1Cor. 1:28)… could. For as we read the rest of verse 27 too, we see the necessity also to TRUST & obey; work hard and the miraculous provision to meet the need will come. NOT by worrying how- or questioning, doubting only seeing with worldly eyes- but with eyes of faith as Jesus teaches in 17:20 or by just praying and waiting. We each have a job to do as a part of God answering the need… prayer. He replied,” Because you have so little faith. I tell you the Truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say mountain, “Move from here to there” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
In this context we should listen to these Scriptures too… and their Red Letter Truths revealed in them. So duty remains along with absolute Truth along with Devine Intervention. By faith, trust, obedience, prayer, seeking- Through faith in Jesus Christ, Yes VICTORY remains. But, not only victory, POWER: Power not to be overwhelmed, overtaken or destroyed- but to overcome- “Nothing will be impossible for you.” EVEN going to work in the usual- and it delivering to you just the exact miraculous to meet the need. Go in faith and it shall be.
Thank you God for this reminder. May I heed as heard completely. By faith, seek, pray, trust, obey and be blessed abundantly to meet the needs. Not doubt with worldly eyes- instead have faith with Christ focused absolute Truth eyes.
“He chose the things that are not to nullify the things that are”(1 Cor 1:28)
In doing it Gods way to answer responsibility to the worlds way will witness to ALL that it is done by faith in God. For God, by God. No boasting in self- cept of God. Boast in Him and give thanks- In Jesus’ name- Amen.
• We are all ministers…everyday we choose whether we work for GOD or for His enemy. God gave us His authority to be His ministers of righteousness and His power. It is simple as believing , praying and fasting. The rest is up to God and our willingness…He is waiting for us to show up and clock in. Any volunteers??????