Bible Bookmarked at Acts 15:20- 16:5 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2015:19-!6:5&version=NIV
Have been brought back to these pages many times these last few weeks. Prayer is to see anew that which is here, as The Living Word that it is, relevant to every breath we take in our today’s.
These pages focus on the mission to share with the Gentiles. Verse 15:19 in part states: ‘we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.’ <><
Out of context this could be miss-represented easily. Left without its middle and end, it could stand as Scripture to base ‘tolerance’ on. “Tolerance”- is a new title for a bent to accept all – seemingly to the degree of a new religion. It is a political argument to allow. It is a New Age Church message to also allow. Tolerance can not be void of the Truth though. Moral relevance almost becomes a dirty phrase where tolerance alone is preached. As we see here in an attempt to offer in a way not too difficult with methodologies to turn to God, moral relevance remained. Why? Because for love, the Truth must remain. God never designed commandments to make it difficult – instead it was because He loves us, He guides us. 15:29B ‘You will do well to avoid these things’ These things… not designed to confine, instead designed to free-up. In Gods’ infinite wisdom they are simply outlined. Each and everyone simply shared because they are GOOD – as is; God is Good. ‘You will do well to avoid these things’ In Gods infinite wisdom He sees beyond temporal happiness to eternal Joy. All that He has –He has given to us. So no, ‘we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.’ BUT nor are we ever licensed to ignore the Truth. It is necessary for salvation- it comes in all of God’s mercy and grace- It in turn is our message. The Gospel of Gods Grace. Understanding an absolute Truth remains does not confine- it in fact – frees. Freedom from sin, not from ignorance. None should be led with ignorance- instead in grace and mercy and unprejudiced full acceptance for each and everyone who seeks and chooses to abide, to believe. (John 8:31-32) Jesus Himself said: “If you hold to My teachings, you are really my disciples. THEN you will know the Truth, AND the truth will set you free.” One simple Truth given to us in all of Gods infinite wisdom is: “You will do well to avoid these things” That’s all. AMEN.
Not to be made more than it is… OR more than it is not. All inclusive Love for all.