
Monday, July 7, 2014

Good Drama VS Bad Drama...

Adirondacks Drama - Plein Air Oil By K Hitt

Package at door had hoped to send Thursday… didn’t have the ability to do so then.  Best intentions don’t change that.
Monday morn, in the studio at the crack of dawn for coffee and QT and a early start to work at hand.

Opened Gods Word to its bookmark; …immediately He spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I.  Don’t be afraid” (Mk50b) 51 Then He climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down.  They were completely amazed, for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened.

<><<><<>< Pause to ponder all just read here in this first passage.  These are Jesus’ disciples.  They just witnessed the miracle of Jesus feeding 5000+ with five loaves and two fish so they would be provided for while they came to hear Jesus’ teachings.

Immediately following that Jesus had them (disciples) get into the boat and go ahead of Him to Bethsaida, while He dismissed the crowd.  After leaving them Jesus went up on a mountainside to pray (for context and actual verses read Mk6:45-51)

There is much in these passages… much.  The disciples were doing exactly what Jesus asked them to do.
V47 When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake and He (Jesus) was alone on land. 48 He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them.  About the forth watch of the night He went out to them, walking on the lake.  He was about to pass them, 49 but when they saw Him walking on the lake, they thought He was a ghost.  They cried out, 50 because they all saw Him and were terrified.

In the ‘living’ Word of God see more than hope here in these passages.  See our human condition too, and lack of faith in our vision… or how things are seen.
TRUTH: Jesus sent them, AND Jesus saw their struggle as they journeyed on the path HE SENT THEM ON. Taking note of this on two accounts; 1. Difficulty came at no fault of their own. 2. Jesus saw it and came to aid them.
Also noting: what is labeled here ‘hearts were hardened’ is in fact our human condition and natural tendencies toward lack of faith in God. ??? Question not a statement.
Jesus came in the night to help them, but because of what the days (world) traditions or tales told were, instead of seeing the truth – they saw what society taught.  Interesting.  Ever happen to you?

You are going along in life, thinking in Gods will and on course and it gets harder than you can do alone.  You keep working, straining, trying to make progress, but find yourself no further ahead, and working literally against the wind or tide.  As you sit there, doubt moves in, mixed with fear.  Thinking all that is being done is to no avail.  Maybe I’m only talking to myself here.

Because it is dark, you can’t even see that you are getting nowhere fast.  God sees though and not only does He care, He comes to help.  You don’t even see that you just might need a little help from God.  Or better stated recognize that He came to help you!???

Truth remains always.  We live and work and do – in this world.  Jesus calls us to walk by faith not sight.  AND sometimes that defies reason…

Other times… well.  Re-read this passage.

If our minds our set on the worlds ways, when Jesus comes to help verse 50 is our truth: because they saw Him and were terrified’ (meaning they see in Jesus what the world wants us to think He is verses the TRUTH of who He is)

Has a prayer ever been answered for you, and your response was “that cannot be so?  If I tell anyone what just happened they’ll just think I’m loony?”

Well, I’ll confess, it has happened to me—and in the simplicity of the ‘living’ Word and taking the time to listen/read it this morn it has happened here today, this morn.

In self, the circumstances overwhelmed, though ‘thought’ on course.  Harsh reality find myself instead meeting the Monday, not only behind but with not enough resources to meet the demands at hand.  Doubt comes pouring in.  Broken record plays too ‘you can’t overcome’

Thank YOU God for Your LIVING Word and the Red letters of Christ in the passage read today; ‘Take courage ! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Therefore turning this Monday into a Red letter day!

Do I still have to get to the other side of the lake? YUP! By faith though don’t need to see in doubt, but simply trust that Jesus Himself saw little ole me rowing against the wind and has indeed come to my side and rescue.  It is the peace beyond understanding as press on – to take the next stroke.  Mine perhaps with a brush and not an oar.

Somehow will pull all together as needed on the ‘to do’ list longer than I am tall – with demands on it more than I have the means to meet.  God knows the needs.  Somehow each that is truly a need will get met… Godspeed. Yes, working hard remains the call too.
With Gods truth as how I see – GODspeed.
 The red letters day call:
“Take courage ! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” In Jesus’ name the peace beyond understanding comes, the wind dies down, enabling to overcome, keeping on course and yes, indeed, getting to the other side…
Leaving doubt and the world’s barrage behind.
Thank YOU God for reminding me that it is ALWAYS a Red Letter Day! Jesus knows, sees, and cares… and will always show the way and help the need.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, God sent, Godspeed.