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a Stone picked up on the beach, when taking pup, for her last visit there with me |
"No Stones to Cast,"
"Put Down Your Stones,"
"...for as harshly as you judge, you will be judged" (paraphrased)... was the echo on my heart this morn. Perhaps God was telling me that I did that? "Forgive me God" the prayer, as reflected. "Return focus to Your call on this heart." Excited and disappointed in a hope dashed. Let go, and let God.
Miracles remain before me of which am VERY aware and thankful. I will save the details for this heart, but we each know of our own. With this said, remain thankful and know that God remains the same, yesterday, today and forever. He is the "I Am" eternal, the beginning and the end.
"God bless you all..." God teaches us to say, with sincerely no prejudice. Our nation is divided. I pray still, "God, bless America" ! and always will. Our leaders think its ok to ignore God's commands. I can sincerely say do not agree, yet still love. Morally unjust, breaks my heart. By faith, may know God remains in-control, JOY remains in His Sovereignty AND is our hope, by faith in His all knowing omnipresence, omnipotent reign... we may have PEACE. People may call me intolerant, God knows that untrue and that Jesus Himself was/is the most un-prejudice. His ALL literally means for ALL. NO PREJUDICE involved. TRUTH remains, whether one chooses to believe in it as an absolute or not, it does not change the fact, TRUTH is Truth. The immediate reply to one that thinks otherwise or says "there is no absolute Truth;" ask then, "Are you absolutely sure about that?"
Bottom line is this, EVERY man, women and child on this earth is here by grace. There is NOT a single one of us that should have a stone to throw. NONE- Not one. We are called to love the man, women and child. We are not called to love a action, act, wrong. Yes, Love a murderer, pray for thier soul, NEVER love the murder. Flip side of this coin is this, LOVE the miracle GIVER, Christ Jesus - NOT the miracle He gives. The Miracle doesn't save you, Jesus, The Miracle Giver saves.
So this underlines our motive of heart too. "As harshly as we judge, we will be judged" goes BOTH ways- to ALL, and to ALL SIDES. We are nothing on the scale but a grain of sand. Jesus did give all for our all though. We can not save even our own soul, let alone the soul of another. We therefore, save no one. Jesus alone saves. IF you call yourself a Christian, IF you say you believe in God... PUT DOWN YOUR STONES, in this divided land we live in today.
"Go and sin no more"-Jesus' reply.
May "God bless America" may she indeed be "One Nation Under God". It is our prayer, our motto and our hope. "Blessed be the peace makers' and another TRUTH that is our peace--- The light dispels the dark every time, AND the light shines brightest in the dark. Your only call is to LOVE and to be a reflection of the 'Light of the world' Be a carrier of His Light. Put down your stones. In Jesus' name.
Amen and Amen, in Him the Amen is spoken- it is done.
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"He Chose..." copyright 2012 one of 3 abstracts by K Hitt |
AMEN... yes, put down your stones, indeed- Godspeed.