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…I do not understand what I do.
For what I WANT to do, I do not do, but what I HATE I do. And if I do
what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is GOOD !
Exclamation point mine.
15 & 16 in Romans 7.
15 & 16 in Romans 7.
Full context Romans 7:14-25.
It a part of Sunday’s sermon… and where study today.
17-21!!! 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law 23 but I see
another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my
mind and making a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my member. 24 What
a wretched man I am ! Who will rescue me
from this body of death?
The battle reflected in God’s LIVING Word, God breathed to our hearts-
because it IS relevant to every breath we take in our today’s.
WHERE does your body ache from this battle waging in you today? For it is for that pain of self inflicted
wretchedness these Words are penned – and live out loud in the heart, spirit,
soul, mind and strength of EVERY honest believer. Even unbeliever actually too. For are you in an even worse place… believing
you are doing just fine on your own." I don’t need this so called God of
yours. All those that call
themselves Christians are the WORST!" – you may say.
And a reply, even of a Christian to a non believer may be YUP, you are
right. No one gets it right.
This, listen closely though, is NOT the cry of a hypocrite- using God’s
grace… taking advantage of a pre-written excuse or answer to their repeated
wrong doing.
Read it again… THIS is written
for the one who finds themselves on their knees, before God, their body dying
from pain within, self inflicted, no way out, it’s there – its owned – ITS KILLING
THEM, you, me… Paul.
I ask you again no matter what you believe: Where does YOUR body ache today? What is eating at you from within? What are
you trying to hide away from – but it’s there – eating at you, stealing away
your ability to win the fight to rise up?
Or, has the enemy won and made you believe there is NO REASON TO FIGHT? ‘I
am too far gone” the whisper within…
24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of
Enemy whispers, ‘give up, there is no hope for getting it right, you
will NEVER be good enough…’
Listen VERY CAREFULLY to ALL of the passage in Romans 7. It is Gods LIVING WORD, written to be God
breathed into your broken heart
For that enemy whisper is right…
Will NEVER be good enough
That is why Jesus came
It is by GRACE that you are saved
Not by works – NO ONE
Not any of us!
“…who will rescue me from this body of death?”
25 Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord !
Hear the truth, in its entirety written here- for the enemy is a master
of telling you only half the truth- therefore the master of lies------------
You alone will NEVER be GOOD ENOUGH
Here is the TRUTH though WE NEED to hear-
That is why Jesus came…
And had to die-
He died a criminal’s death for you and I –
Not only so we don’t have to…
So that SIN can’t win.
For we could NEVER win this fight on our own – NEVER !
God in ALL His love
His Son to DIE FOR US
So we wouldn’t
Have to die
Death hath no sting in the Victory of Christ Jesus
He ALONE is The Righteous One, the ONLY One who is ABLE
25 Thanks be to God- through Jesus Christ our Lord !
so I myself in my mind am a slave to Gods law, but in the sinful nature
a slave to the law of sin.
8:1 Therefore there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ
Jesus 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free
from the law of sin and death 5-17
Don’t believe the enemies half truth.
Especially when your self imposed wretchedness causes a stench that you
can’t even stand to open your eyes to!
Don’t you see? It’s NOT your
wretchedness you are called to look at – (that’s the enemies lie, to keep you
there and tell you again and again and again you can’t win – ‘look at this’)
on your knees,
close your eyes to the sin within
call on the
That can save you from
Where you alone
can never win
Call on Jesus
As your LORD and Savior
Open your eyes
To Him
SEEK Jesus’ face
Yes, even in your deepest disgrace
Seek Jesus’ face
There you will see GRACE
God so loved… He gave…
Just for this day
That Jesus may save a wretch like me, you, us…
7:25 Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord !
With a sincere heart, give in to the battle you alone will never win.
Where do you ache inside today-
Where has the enemy told you to stay - ???
Close your eyes
(which means to confess it, denounce it, ask for forgiveness of it, to
turn from it)
And CALL on Jesus’ face
Open your eyes to Him
Disgrace washed away
By grace
For the next Truth is the battle from within – Jesus loves you – in spite
of your wrong, ache of sin within. With Him
there can be NO union with sin – He can only dispel it.
He in you, and you in Him
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Detail-Christ The Bridge - Trinity, copyrighted K.Hitt |
Is the only place you
can win this fight.
RUN to, and stay in The Light
It will dispel the dark
Every time
The two can never be combined.
You have to make a choice of where you seek to dwell.
In the dark
In the light.
Don’t be deceived. We are all
here by grace – yes – it is NOT your license to try and hold on to both.
It is
simply your ability to see the difference.
Let me repeat that. It is simply
your ability to see the difference. THAT
is what makes the difference. Once you
SEE the difference
You will always have to make the choice (again and again and again)
As Paul testifies to here himself-
The battle wages on to keep you down, to keep you hiding, to keep you
in the dark, to keep you hunched over in shame, in sin, afraid to ever look up
To make you believe the lie that you can never win—
Live in the WHOLE TRUTH
ALONE we can’t win
That’s why Jesus came
Call on His name.
There: disgrace
Is only in Him edited
The G is God in
So that you remain
In the
That is
Is Jesus’ face
Thank You God. As pen this hour
I see, that we can not share what we do not know.
We all as a follower of Jesus Christ have our own self inflicted
wretchedness to insert here-
Our greatest testimony is not our words-
It is our walk. It is Jesus in
our lives- His LIVING WORD in US
IF He had not saved us, what testimony would we have?
Father, also, The Truth that we can not love another, if we do not love
our self. That is why the WORD
The LIVING WORD is written as it is here too:
“Love your Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And the second is like it,
Love your neighbor as
As your self – is only truly possible through Christ and Him ALIVE in
our lives. Thank YOU God for
illuminating Your Spirit into my spirit with the Truth – God so loved…
He gave…
Is edited to
Our Human race
Because He first loved, we too may love
Even a wretch like me
In Jesus’ name AMEN
Conclusion and continued prayer, as read here in Romans 7 Paul enables
us all to see God’s living Word living out loud in us each.
We all may pray as he…
Forgive me Jesus. Thank You that
You are the way the TRUTH and the life.
Thank YOU for forgiveness – that we truly are NEW in You. My body still hurts from the shame it has
allowed in. Forgive me Lord Jesus for
with You in me – it is YOU that I have sinned against. This body is your sanctuary – forgive me. May I open my eyes to YOU Jesus, show me how
NOT to lose sight of You, in spite of me.
Thank YOU for bringing me even to here, to this wretched place, so that
I can both
Humbly proceed.
It is by grace that I am saved…
God’s race
In Jesus’ name
May I believe it’s even for a wretch like me.
Not a hypocrite – a witness
Be the way the truth the life
In me
What would YOU have me to say
I’ve sinned,
Praise be to God YOU
Remain the same
Righteous One
Jesus Christ
By your love
I am saved,
because of these…
why YOU came.
Oh God, tears and to my knees I fall. “Forgive me.” I cry…
So that ‘FORGIVEN!”
I may proclaim.
May I believe this even to be true for me, that I too may truly love my
neighbor as my self – knowing that means that I first must love my self – and believe
that Jesus does in FACT love ‘me’
This I know because the Bible tells me so- since preschool little ones
are taught to sing…
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Creation In His Hand-K.Hit- Copyrighted |
Drive it home to me Jesus
I pray – in all your mercy and
I see
You took this yoke for me!
Thank YOU Jesus- forgive me
Be my strength to look UP see Your face
And to Look into your eyes
And see Your soul
Reflected into mine
Thank You for saving a wretch like me
Again I plead- show me how You would have me reflect it from here
To share
Is what makes God a part of the race
2Cor13:14 In Jesus’ name
Yes as Paul prays so may we. Romans 7 & 8 God’s Living Word and God
breathed to us each, to be our Testimony, and Our prayer…
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