Began at 2 Corinthians 12, then on through Chapter 13. These two passages have been for a long timed marked here on my heart and have read or turned to many a time before... for encouragement and counsel from God's living word.
Starting at 2Cor.12:8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But He said to me; "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore, I boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10..., for Christ's sake... For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Cor 13:14 May the GRACE of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the LOVE of GOD, and the FELLOWSHIP of the HOLY SPIRIT be with you all.
<><<><<>< The Trinity
Noting of verse 13:14: This benediction is Trianitarian in form and has ever since been a part of Christian worship tradition. It serves to remind us that the mystery of the Holy Trinity is known to be TRUE not though rational or philosophical explanation but through Christian experience where by the believer knows first hand the GRACE, the LOVE, and the FELLOWSHIP that freely flow to him from the Three Persons of the One Lord God.
In this and these may simply say: Thank You God! Yes, my Lord, YES...
Peace Like A River flow through me, by grace, love and fellowship with YOU the Truine GOD-
JOY forever and ever in YOUR Sovereignty. The meek shall inherit the earth... in as much as Paul speaks in 12:10...for Christ's sake...for when I am weak, then I am strong.
Jesus Himself spoke "Not My Will, The Father's Will" -comes to my heart. Jesus fully God, made Himself NOTHING by Gods LOVE to serve Gods Will to deliver to us Gods GRACE that we may be a part, as one with GOD by giving to us Fellowship.
Take off your sandals, YOU are standing on HOLY GROUND
Fellowship with The Three Persons of the One Lord GOD
Christ The Bridge
as Paul teaches us in 2 Cor 12- there is NO boasting in ourselves cept ourselves in Christ's grace that blankets us with Gods love and give to us fellowship in Him/with Him
In Christ, when we are weak in SELF, therefore no righteousness in our-self, purely recognized by Christ and the grace He delivered to us through
His Righteousness
for the TRUTH remains
"What is impossible for man - is NOT for God - ALL THINGS are possible for GOD"
All Things...
yes, where i am weak leaves a reflection of what has been done, has been done by GOD,
my only boast is of Faith in Him
and thanks be to GOD for His indescribable love, grace and fellowship
that enables a wretch like me to be saved and press on in this race.
In Him His ALL THINGS lives out loud even in us...
'If God is for us, none can come against us' - His will be done
His good perfect and pleasing will
for lifting up this spirit with Your Spirit
reminding me YOU are able, Your are here
all will be made clear
amen and amen... in Him the Amen is spoken
Romans 11:33-36 Doxology
33 Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of GOD! How unsearchable His judgements, and His paths beyond tracing out!
Devotions of Karen Hitt... simply compelled to share beyond quiet-time chair... In Christ Biblical based devotions and Christian Illustrations of Karen Hitt. All posting content copyrighted to K. Hitt
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Christ The Bridge- Trinity ...mission to benefit...
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This is how the inspiration for a painting began... over 15 years ago, and only recently began and completed. From these passages in the Bible.. am sharing here, pictures of my second and third Bibles. As an artist, who majored in illustration at Parson's School of Design in NY... as read these passages over the years, they had a pull on my spirit to illustrate them. Many look at these and as the heading title states "The Baptism Of Jesus" is what is pictured. I was drawn to more than that... here and only in a small number of passages in the Bible's entirety is a clear inclusion of the Three Persons, One God, The Trinity. 'Paint The Trinity' spoke to me every time that I turned here. Well, as you can imagine, THAT THOUGHT is just a WEE BIT INTIMIDATING.
Me? Not able to do this justice God... haughty thought to attempt to paint such a painting ?????? just a few of the pondering thoughts. On
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Time and place to illustrate, in the present; the Living Word of God. Being on my son's birthday, along with the events of the day made me ask myself, "the boys?" "Are they to be the models" "hmmm, they at 21, and 23... just
too young" Alas, Confess, felt a wee bit like Jonah, after all these thoughts, surely I am not hearing correctly. All the same doubts of my ability swirled. These all in the forefront this Saturday... and even for how the proceeds from the painting were to be shared in 33% increments plus 1% set in another spot, therefore again the three in one of the Trinity speaking out.
Pondered all of these in my heart, thinking just another one of my thinking toooooooooooo much again, pondering.
So, Sunday morn, thought still there, heartache from events unrelated to these thoughts...
that life purpose question, "What good has resulted from my life" Ecclesiastes... a chasing after the wind, ponder this time. Turn my mind off and heading to church now Sunday morn.
Pastor Matt had news to share with his congregation this Sunday morn.
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Now what am i to do? These people are going to think that i am CRAZY! Model is just that.... model. Yes, Norman Rockwell, N.C. Wyeth, Illustrators use models. I was about to ask for a couple of doozies... however you spell it. Models for Christ, and John the Baptist. Confirmed at church that sunday as if God was audibly speaking to me, Pastor Matt Christ Jesus, and Mike M. John the Baptist. The significance of each NO coincidence. Matt the Pastor that performed my believers Baptism, Mike M. a spiritual father and mentor and literal angel here on earth for me and my household. If Dr. David Seamonds if still living shares the mentor role, but M.M. even has the burly look... still in character from his playing a disciple in the Maundy Thursday Service at my other church home. Christ U.M.C. where I raised my children, and am still a member of. NO coincidences at all... and a further definition of the THREE for one ministry Trinity. 33% x 3 + 1% a new ministry. I have no clue... JUST know these the incriments spoken clearly to my heart to do... sooooooooooooooooooo I press on and ponder how to share.
Have you ever asked your Pastor and Spiritual Father to get in the gulf, and model for a painting before? Can you imagine trying to explain to them why the request for that. Pastor Matt did share with me after he figured out what I was asking him to do, that this was a first.
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M.M. didn't think me quite as odd, he has been asked to be a Biblical character before. SO, it took a few weeks to get the timing to work for all to meet, at the gulf, when the wind was still, the water calm, no work interference, and poor Mike was coming off of a horrible flu that kept him from a board meeting trip. So, just like any good photographer has to do so that their models can be in character... I showed them this thumbnail sketch. The photograph that had for the inspiration for the sky (purple and gold literally for the Majesty) AND most importantly...
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SO from showing them these pages... they as the awesome sports that they were, proceeded into the gulf for me to model for this painting.
The from inspiration to completion for The Bridge temporal New Home 7 weeks. From then to today, well um it just so happens April 21, 2012 to June 21st, 2012. Three calendar months touched. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ok, THEN Pastor Matt stated he would leave it to my expertese to share, print, turn to benefit.... THAT Part two of this journey... AS TODAY I share with you the painting, that events were amazingly orchestrated to enable the time and place and subjects to do. HOW it is to be a benefit... and new Mission remains to be seen. Stay tuned for part two:
Christ The Bridge - Trinity...
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Christ The Bridge Trinity- Oil on Linen - K.Hitt - 2012 Copyrighted(click to enlarge) |
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Christ The Bridge Trinity - detail, oil on linen - copyright K.Hitt |
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
I do Believe that I have just experienced my first sabbatical...
God wonderfully provided it as He knew it was needed,
an escape,
so that the work actually needing to get done in many areas could get done.
In the amazing orchestration of God to all the parts
Sabbatical was defined for me these past few weeks
THEN when I finished the work, i pondered much
and yes, including..... why? "What Good has come of it?" Why?
Boy did God answer that one
in this mornings quiet time...
Romans 11:33 through all of Chapter 12 the last two days of study.
so 12June2012 goes like this:
It makes no difference it seems...
YET even in the details that enabled continued reprieve...
You God remain the same Omnipresent Sovereign God-
'press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus too hold of me for' 'work hard with my own hands and mind my own business'
remembered scriptures reciting back to my mind...
then, Reading on through Chapter 12 of Romans.... transformed by the renewing of your mind. THEN you will be able to test and approve
what Gods will is,
HIS GOOD, pleasing and perfect will....
do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober
judgement, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
Because all the power is from God, there is no basis of thinking 'highly' of ones self. Not only doing all things as 'unto the Lord' also "to HIM be the glory forever and ever- Amen"
Love must be sincere- Hate what is evil, cling to what is good.
Yes, therefore we may indeed love the sinner, but HATE the sin.
The proceeding verses in Romans are SO relevant to this though - in actuality
God's 1st command:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind spirit and strength"
and the 2nd:
"Love your neighbor as yourself"...
One can not read these passages in Romans 11:33 - 12:21
and NOT breath in a breath of the LIVING WORD of God
and therefore breathing out
from their soul
God's perspective.
Breath of life indeed it is
God sent
There truly is no magic formula, the same as there truly is no 'love potion'
There really is no great mystery in God's purpose either-
besides the FACT that the heavens and earth declare His glory - our very soul
our every breath
reflects how great is
His love
God quite simply GOD IS LOVE
its not just an emotion
its a command
There is a 'tolerance religion' being preached by a lot of very narrow minded minds. Huge oxymoron indeed.
You want to see tolerance and love of ALL PEOPLE?
Spend some quality time in Gods Word
It truly IS
The LIVING Word of God
God sent, God breathed Godspeed.
The motive of heart as you spend time in it is relevant too.
Love must be sincere,
hate what is evil
cling to what is GOOD
We are NOT called to love what all people do - or to say it is even ok to do...
we are NOT the keeper of ALL things either
GOD is
He is the judge
and He brought us ALL together
to hold on to what is good
to hate, yes dare Gods word say 'HATE" what is evil? Yes.
Who defines the differences? God does. He alone holds Divinity in His Hands
we ....may trust and yes, obey
Romans 11:33-12:21 stands out this morn
when i pondered
or why try...
what GOOD has it done?
ah yes, sober judgement time according to the faith God has given -
'Thank you God that it is great. 'For from Him and through Him and to Him be the glory
forever! Amen'
That is why try and it is done!
'to YOU be the glory forever and ever Amen my Lord Amen. lead me on. I cast my cares, questions, failings, doubt in me to the TRUTH in YOU. You not only care, YOU are able. You know where each step needs to go. Lead me in it.
many, many, many on my heart Lord God-
may Your blanket of love
comfort, heal, guide and be the peace beyond understanding.
THANK YOU for being mine...
and for closing discouragements door.
In Jesus' name
may the gifts of each according to their faith orchestrate harmony to each part,
and be our heart.In Jesus' name - AMEN'
Rev. 15:4
oh, and....
This is what was done during the Sabbatical:
"Christ The Bridge Trinity"
it is a benefit
33% x's 3 + 1 to the new ministry it births
equaling God in three persons as one
as we are all one in Him
To GOD be the GLORY for ever and Ever! AMEN!
More details to follow... to date, to HIS glory,
this is what has been done:
These pictures are just from my camera phone.... better pictures and info to come...
God wonderfully provided it as He knew it was needed,
an escape,
so that the work actually needing to get done in many areas could get done.
In the amazing orchestration of God to all the parts
Sabbatical was defined for me these past few weeks
THEN when I finished the work, i pondered much
and yes, including..... why? "What Good has come of it?" Why?
Boy did God answer that one
in this mornings quiet time...
Romans 11:33 through all of Chapter 12 the last two days of study.
so 12June2012 goes like this:
It makes no difference it seems...
YET even in the details that enabled continued reprieve...
You God remain the same Omnipresent Sovereign God-
Rom. 11:33-
Oh, the depth of the riches
of the wisdom and knowledge
of God!
How unsearchable His judgements,
and His paths beyon tracing out!
Who has know the mind of the
Or who has been His Counselor?
Who has ever given to God,
that God should repay Him?
For from Him
and trought Him
and to Him
are ALL things
To Him be The Glory FOREVER!
Yes my Lord, Yes. Every question by faith in the Truth, it is answered "all is well with my soul"'press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus too hold of me for' 'work hard with my own hands and mind my own business'
remembered scriptures reciting back to my mind...
then, Reading on through Chapter 12 of Romans.... transformed by the renewing of your mind. THEN you will be able to test and approve
what Gods will is,
HIS GOOD, pleasing and perfect will....
do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober
judgement, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
Because all the power is from God, there is no basis of thinking 'highly' of ones self. Not only doing all things as 'unto the Lord' also "to HIM be the glory forever and ever- Amen"
Love must be sincere- Hate what is evil, cling to what is good.
Yes, therefore we may indeed love the sinner, but HATE the sin.
The proceeding verses in Romans are SO relevant to this though - in actuality
God's 1st command:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind spirit and strength"
and the 2nd:
"Love your neighbor as yourself"...
One can not read these passages in Romans 11:33 - 12:21
and NOT breath in a breath of the LIVING WORD of God
and therefore breathing out
from their soul
God's perspective.
Breath of life indeed it is
God sent
There truly is no magic formula, the same as there truly is no 'love potion'
There really is no great mystery in God's purpose either-
besides the FACT that the heavens and earth declare His glory - our very soul
our every breath
reflects how great is
His love
God quite simply GOD IS LOVE
its not just an emotion
its a command
There is a 'tolerance religion' being preached by a lot of very narrow minded minds. Huge oxymoron indeed.
You want to see tolerance and love of ALL PEOPLE?
Spend some quality time in Gods Word
It truly IS
The LIVING Word of God
God sent, God breathed Godspeed.
The motive of heart as you spend time in it is relevant too.
Love must be sincere,
hate what is evil
cling to what is GOOD
We are NOT called to love what all people do - or to say it is even ok to do...
we are NOT the keeper of ALL things either
GOD is
He is the judge
and He brought us ALL together
to hold on to what is good
to hate, yes dare Gods word say 'HATE" what is evil? Yes.
Who defines the differences? God does. He alone holds Divinity in His Hands
we ....may trust and yes, obey
Romans 11:33-12:21 stands out this morn
when i pondered
or why try...
what GOOD has it done?
ah yes, sober judgement time according to the faith God has given -
'Thank you God that it is great. 'For from Him and through Him and to Him be the glory
forever! Amen'
That is why try and it is done!
'to YOU be the glory forever and ever Amen my Lord Amen. lead me on. I cast my cares, questions, failings, doubt in me to the TRUTH in YOU. You not only care, YOU are able. You know where each step needs to go. Lead me in it.
many, many, many on my heart Lord God-
may Your blanket of love
comfort, heal, guide and be the peace beyond understanding.
THANK YOU for being mine...
and for closing discouragements door.
In Jesus' name
may the gifts of each according to their faith orchestrate harmony to each part,
and be our heart.In Jesus' name - AMEN'
Rev. 15:4
oh, and....
This is what was done during the Sabbatical:
"Christ The Bridge Trinity"
it is a benefit
33% x's 3 + 1 to the new ministry it births
equaling God in three persons as one
as we are all one in Him
To GOD be the GLORY for ever and Ever! AMEN!
More details to follow... to date, to HIS glory,
this is what has been done:
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Christ The Bridge Trinity - K. Hitt- Oil - 2012 copyrighted |
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Christ The Bridge Trinity- Oil on Linen- K. Hitt copyright 2012 |
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