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"Monday Morning Office Rush" - Plein Air |
Ephesians Chapter 4 Your God sent, Godspeed reply.<><<><<><
4:15 Instead, speaking the Truth in love, we will in all things grow up
into Him who is The Head, that is Christ.
16 From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting
ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does it work.
<><<><<>< Context is 1-16
For the first time EVER intentionally let the air out of a car
tire. It was the tire of a loved
one. Then as ran, and continually run to
prayer at reaching this extreme, God’s convicting word in Ephesians 4 convicted
my spirit with why we love and discipline and ARE also loved and disciplined by
God ourselves. In other words when ran to God – His LIVING God breathed Word
was not only His reply – it came to life in my spirit from His Spirit. IT lived in me – His Peace beyond
understanding! THANK YOU GOD!
Yesterday’s prayer in part:
Reality is the TRUTH of God, not in despairs deceit. By faith know this, in lack of faith it
hides. By a flicker of faith may run to
TRUTH… instead.
Just so happens Nahum – at Nineveh’s destruction, and Job – belly of a
big fish is where had just studied the word in the last few proceeding
days. Coincidentally in disciplines …now
imagine that. Think a coincidence? Did I mention he lead ME to these. For ME to hear for my disciplining… don’t you
think? The word is living for us EACH
and relevant to every breath we take in our today’s. Life’s passion is to illustrate this. Hmmmmmm.
Ok. Pressing on.
The scriptures studied… whew. Discipline replies: One discipline is
utter obliteration, HOPE lost for redemption or reconciliation. Other, utterly swallowed up whole for God’s discipline
to take hold, when it did from the belly of that big fish, the reconciled was spit
out onto dry land.
Discipline extremes…. YES.
Had studied those Old Testament passages before the tire flattening and
ultimatum delivered with it. In other
words, KNEW – the Word was meant for me to see and to comprehend its lessons in
my own heart. God’s discipline will
be. God ALWAYS gives us a way out if we
seek His face, His Way. His grace may
only be delivered though if we seek Him and His forgiveness. Oh yeah, circumstances of sin may still have
us swallowed up whole- with seemingly NO way out; By faith we can see
disciplines love. Let me repeat that …by
faith we can see disciplines love. Without
love, discipline is more like sin. Without
Gods love as the motive that is. God IS
OK, so before me are two disciplines extremes – annihilation or a belly
of a big fish. The extremely intelligent
person that I am :0) I realized and sought
‘NONE please be needed God. HELP
me see Your way before these extremes are needed.’
Another ‘hah’ For it just so
happens that before these two scriptures were studied, was studying in Matthew
at an ole familiar favorite passages where The Trinity may be seen. MANY a year ago, and even in two Bibles have
these passages marked and written in the margins ‘illustrate this’…
Are you seein’ the connections?
Exactly. Sheesh.
Did I mention that God is good all the time, and all the time God is
Did I mention these entries are called “In His Light… BEFORE The Dawn”?
Pretty amazing, Living Words of God are unfolding before me here…. Ya think? Am ‘i’ the only one excited here by what am
seeing? Jiminy, Ok … so….
As pray: (shall spare you the details of circumstances, inserts yours
here :0) ultimately Gods Word caused me to ponder what His reply to ‘me’ may
be. Would it have to be so bad, that
only annihilation is left to deliver – OR – HOPE of being spit out o to dry
Because you see, then had to ask, - “does the air have to be let out of
ALL FOUR of my tires?” it just so happens
that in it GOD is trying to whisper ‘the Truth will set you fee” …and ‘love’ to
Is HE showing me an ultimatum?
Prayer: ‘ HELP God, help for Your visions and intercession to wisely be
seen instead of continuing in my futility’
NO ONE likes it at its time of delivery. Humbled to pray – let it NOT be too late as
in Ninevah, instead may it be as in Job, time to listen, to know what is right,
seek forgiveness for wrongs, and get spit out on to dry land!’
So….lets see, I let the air out of a tire because I loved them, and
didn’t want to see them cause greater harm to themselves with poor, in the
moment choices. Weigh this against God’s
intercessions in circumstances.
Personally/ insecurity kept intentions undone, and blanketed in the
circumstances of the effects of messed up ways effecting the today’s . Procrastination, distractions, are really
fear and insecurity taking their breath in me.
Even More frustration in being able to see it… but can’t stop it! Does a loved one need to let the air out of
my tires????? And Give an ultimatum?
Sitting in the belly ? What God?
‘What is impossible for man, is NOT for God. ALL THINGS are possible for God” Even these?
Don’t like discipline at the time of its delivery…
The fruits though, when heeded are DIVINE.
Yup, for self, lots of circumstances to overcome, some self inflicted
some not, AND perhaps quite humbly so, perhaps a TRINITY illustrated. God only knows if that is possible to
do. He simply tells me to NOT be afraid,
AND do.
Do ALL He inspires me to do, don’t merely ponder then reply in
If faith can lead us to pray, it also will lead us to God’s Way
Even if the air has been let out
of EVERY tire… it was done so in LOVE …so that the only way to proceed is
“Be still, and know that He IS God”
Forever and ever AMEN.
Instead, speaking the TRUTH in love, we will in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is Christ. From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament grows and builds itself up in LOVE as each part does its work. (Read 1-16 for context, then on through all of Chapter 4 of Ephesians too)
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, God sent, Godspeed.