Pastel done after hurricane passed through- 'Sapped In A Snap" |
(disclaimer: today's In His Light Before The Dawn, shares a bit more personally than usual. It is disclosed, because feel it makes a relevant, 'living word' of God word picture.)
Hosea 10:12
Just watched a mom, in the rain walking her daughter to the bus stop for school. Looked out the window because heard singing/humming. Mom, dutifully at her task at hand. The child? The child, skipping, spinning her clear bubble umbrella with a yellow trim, humming away down the road. She didn't get the memo that its raining on the parade.
I did get that memo. Well, you see, before being able to sit to quiet-time with a cup of coffee accustomed too... had to find the bottom of the sink and counters from a late dinner cooked in the kitchen after went to bed, and this just so happened to be the second day in a row for this scenario.
(sincerely understood, for extenuating circumstances for all involved)
I like that mom, dutifully did what needed done to meet the immediate need, with no---------- skip in my step. More like a grumble. ONLY the GRUMBLE causes it to rain on the parade.
The reality check saw and heard out my picture window this morn. And in the air of 'all things happen for a reason' if had not dutifully met the demands before sitting- timing would have missed the parade.
Hosea 10:12 is the verse highlighted from yesterday. It calls us to make a radical NEW beginning for becoming fruitful and productive.
Do you think that might include to NOT be the source of the grumbling causing it to rain on the parade?
Thank you God for the reality check from a living breathing cliche walking down my street for me to see 'singing in the rain' or proceeding silently grumbling? These the Choices we may make.
Many, many, many, years ago, when going through economic, emotional, disrepair everywhere, extremely difficult times; God whispered a sweet reminder in my ear: "Don't call your blessings curses" with worry, fear, discouragement, disappointment, etc. Today's whisper came with a child, literally singing in the rain. God's Word IS The Living Word of God - God breathed and relevant to EVERY BREATH we take in our today's.
Rain brings fear to me these days because the patches are failing on the roof, in spite son being up there yesterday trying to cover with supplies on hand the need. You see, a while back static lightning hit my roof, along with making two entry and two exit holes it shook the poor old thing up, and insurance didn't cover enough to risk losing all insurance for. The NEED here therefore way beyond immediate resources at hand, that with no surprise keeps getting worse.
Alas, I wake to rain these days differently; I now proceed to drawing table to see how work is holding up. For you see, that just so happens to be where leaking now shows its face. Saw another first today - not only a spot on the ceiling - also drop on the floor! Yes, a 'oh my' sigh, followed by a silent 'now what?' Sure doesn't help to cry.
Do see a 'Thank You' still here; 'Thank God son was up there yesterday, or it would have been worse today.' These simply show that more NEEDS done. Painfully obvious!?!?!? Perhaps. You think!!??!! Yes, a big 'how?' arises under my breath. Can't help but smile though at that precious little cliche that walked down the street today. Somehow I am to remember to 'sing in the rain.' God sent, Godspeed whisper in this ear.
What does Hosea 10:12 say?
'Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek The Lord, until He comes and showers righteousness on you.'
Reality check. Now am re-writing notes wrote yesterday, in hopes that they register in my brain, heart, way. Notes: 'unfailing love' translated from Hebrew word
hesed, 'she would be blessed by God'
No longer be unproductive, but repentant, making a radical NEW beginning and becoming productive and fruitful. God's covenant, therefore blessing on His people if they in righteousness were loyal to Him.
How to apply God's Living Word this morn, as wake to some pretty harsh realities... yet am reminded to NOT grumble and rain on the parade.
Its NOT just in the literal 'to do' list. Its in The spirit of which any and all is done, and the motive of heart is what is on our lips whe we speak. WHAT is mine called to be? "As unto the Lord" for one.
Sow------------ Sow for yourselves 'righteousness'. This NON-theologian hears that as 'The JOY in the Sovereignty of God' God alone is the Righteous One. We as His, inherit as heirs all the fullness of Him.
God is NOT going to come fix my roof per-say. He is NOT in a panic over this either. Couple of facts? Yup. Is a leaky roof from lightning that insurance didn't cover an appropriate word picture to 'The Living Word of God? Is a little girl 'singing in the rain' Gods whisper this morn?
click on any image to enlarge |
Do KNOW, God's blessings remain. Only ONE WAY to have them is to remember to 'live in them'. Circumstances in the world, or the day, or the hour, or the to do list does NOT take them away.
Grumbling, worry, fear may. NOT that they are not still there, God's Blessings. Simply that you've closed your eyes to them and chose instead to live drudgedly? Heck, I don't know how to word it. You know what I mean.
Thank you GOD, have a roof! Thank YOU GOD son was up there yesterday. Thank you God there is a way 'to do' what's needed, even if personally don't know it, it can be learned. May Gods wisdom and discernment guide the immediate priorities. Thank YOU God for the whisper. Thank You God for first loving and always loving. Father God in 'Jesus' name. Thank YOU God may trust that 'your unfailing love' "
hesed", "blessings" remain! Guide me in them. May these hands sow unplowed ground, and Your love reign down.
Forgive me my unproductive ways, Thank You God for the radical reality check. May This truly be a NEW beginning of productive and fruitful. Passion is to illustrate the Word of God as the Living Word of God that it is; and relevant and active in every breath we take in our todays. Inspire the work ot these hands 'to do' that Your way God.
Even with a drip next to the drawing table, it remains. Dream is that drip turns turns into a second floor, with North Light studio and small class room to share and teach in, along with separate quarters for living work away from family living area downstairs. THAT the DREAM, green, employing/enlisting the gifts and talents of all family tenfold to bring it to a reality. "Every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of all things" (Heb. : ) Daily prayer is to bless all OF this household, far off and near. Expand please our borders, boundaries, bounty and brethren. Keep us from sin and its pain. Forgive us our sins. May we learn better and overcome in YOUR ways. May NONE deceived or the deceiver have hold of us in any way: NO HOLD. May we ALL reflect Your grace, Your Truth, You Love. May your gifts and talents given multiply tenfold for your honor and glory. Time to sow is now - thank You God for opportunity to plow. Be the strength where weak, and every ability to meet every need. Knowing by faith even the need for a bigger blue tarp is a fine reality check... as press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of us each and every one of us for. In Jesus' name AMEN. I pray a radical NEW beginning of productive and positive in each 'to do' today.