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By His Lead -Acrylic Illustration - K. Hitt |
Disclaimer: an Art major, NON theologian, NON academic and Non Civics major... simply sharing. Hold NOTHING against m'whah and read at will.
Romans 13: 1-8 link to full passage.
As read Romans 13:1-7 ; it is particularly poignant in this political season here in America. All sides of the peoples in the streets we see these days. Also as all the upheavals in the middle East. My goodness. Simply take pause with no opinion... just watching.
YET, The "Living" Word as perceived by one that has no theological or historical training its obvious how the 'living' references are relevant to our today's too.
Notes:(the link to this passage above)
when civil rulers overstep their proper function, the Christian is to obey God rather than man (Acts4:19, 5:29)
Rulers exist for the benefit of society - to protect the general public by maintaining good order. The sword - symbolizes Roman authority here. Their (vv4) Biblical principle of using force for the maintenance of good order. Repeat a historical symbol.
OK, the bottom line:
We NEVER have 'the right' to do that which is wrong. NONE of us do, not the people, the leaders, the governing authorities.
It is proper God ordained order for there to be consiquences for wrong actions in society.
We are ALL called to live responsibly.
Including our civic duties, paying justified fair taxes (vv6). v7 sums much up. Interestingly enough - Civis lesson came from the Bible this morn.
Romans 13:7 Give everyone what you owe him, IF you owe taxes, pay taxes, if revenue, then revenue, if respect, then respect, if honor, then honor.
13:8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. (continue on to verse 14 Rom 13:8-14 )
We cannot take this verse out of context though, or any verse in the Bible for that matter. Present action, circumstances, questions always to God in prayer; yes, TEST the spirits. The proceeding of verse 8 passage is 13:1-7 - SUBMIT leads the way. First to God in trusting and obeying. Once there, all else falls into proper order with a little better perspective indeed.
Praise be to God for the continuing debt outstanding for us ALL to pay every day - LOVE.
Yes, the three remain: faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love. In Jesus' Holy precious name we are called to live responsibbly and to love...
is but a part of reflecting Christ Jesus in your heart.
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