Eph. 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Only one Scripture from bookmarked Eph. 4:11b-5:11. Only one scripture from a page of "living WORD" God breathed to live by. 5:8-11 tugs mightily to be entered here too ...
Am thankful the Father knows the place I wake and must produce fruitful deeds from- as I seek to have nothing to do with the opposite. Perhaps all wake here in one way or another. May no one deceive us, or any of our households. May greed NOT destroy Gods Good in any way here. Col. 3:5 Notes - the greedy person wants things more than he wants God, and puts things in place of God, therefore committing idolatry. The person that persists in these has excluded GOD... therefore excluding themselves from kingdom living.
Reminding our hearts to listen to this TRUTH- GOD NEVER leaves or abandons us - it is we who walk away or abandon Him... and His Way. By grace alone we all our saved - not one is righteous - not one of us. JESUS Christ alone holds that throne.
We though have been blessed with the opportunity to LIVE IN, WITH "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" CHRIST JESUS. We may indeed find out what pleases the Lord, and not have anything to do with fruitless deeds of darkness.
-but rather expose them... for simply what they are. REMEMBERING in the language of LOVE 4:29 & absolute TRUTH. The GOAL is to build others up - NOT tear them down. YET, if they refuse to live in the light, don't allow them to deceive you or take you there with them- simply DO NOT partner with them, have nothing to do with that which resides in darkness.
Also, noting - IF you find yourself there instead, in the dark, it is NEVER too late to seek The LIGHT. The GOOD NEWS in it remains for ALL time - FACT- 'the LIGHT dispels the Dark EVERYTIME'
So praise the Lord, seek the Lord and be saved. Yes, also be responsible- as you alone are- to find out what pleases the Lord. Light is a productive quality - in Gods measure of quality it produces fruit of moral and ethical character. This is NOT an impossible standard. 'What is impossible for man- is NOT for God. ALL THINGS are possible for God.' '...live as children of the Light' (goodness, righteousness and truth) In Jesus' name - the AMEN is spoken and done <><
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, God sent, Godspeed.