27 May 2010- Now 101st Journal begins after a day of continual prayer for loved ones in crossroads of life yesterday.
Bible is bookmarked at several places this morn… Matt 3:1-4:1; John 2:4-3:23; Acts 2:14-3:3 & 2 Cor. 4:3-5:14…
The latter here contains my life verse in its passages. John contains the infamous John 3:16…Matthew speaks on John the Baptist Preparing the Way & Jesus’ Baptism. In Acts Peter addresses the Crowds and the Fellowship of the Believers….
<>< <>< <>< Acts 2:38 Peter replied: “Repent and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--- for ALL whom the Lord our God will call.”
These passages also so mark the difference of TRUE CHRISTIANITY- by the presence of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.
As I look up from entries here a butterfly works Gods magic on the fragrant full bloom of yes… the butterfly bush waiting to be planted. The bush a new south west coast of Florida discovery for the so missed northern lilacs. The beloved lilacs are a lifelong favorite bloom remembered since childhoods Ohio yard. A fragrant memory that carried through all life’s moves through the years from there, to SE coast of FL; NYC; OH; SE coast FL again; Puerto Rico: coastal VA; Puget Sound area of Washington State to the backyard that I sit in now, blanketed by a palm trees shade this morn on the this sw coast of Fl home. This same home now since 1995 has housed many crossroads. Alas as the butterfly lands fluttering to and fro on the blooms, I, with the eyes of faith see Acts 2:39 as God Breathed “living: Word spoken to this day as a reminder that forever and a day- God remains! God’s promises do not change or go away – AND HE remains able to work all things together for His good purposes for those that love and trust in Him.
See, the fragrant offerings… are we, attached to Him… and the Holy Spirit comes to work the miracle of God’s Plan for humanity on /in each of our lives.
OK, so in my Artistic outlook to all that I see… what a glorious Word Picture that butterfly on the butterfly bush bloom symbolizes indeed. (Somehow next painting too) For that butterfly flutters to both the blooms n the bush waiting to be planted--- AND to the one who’s roots are established and run deep in the other corner of the garden. The connecting point remains in Gods miraculous plan for humanity indeed- He is the vine, we are the branches. The Holy Spirit can work in us ONLY if we remain connected, nourished, blooming, as a fragrant offering of Christ Jesus working in our lives.
And yes- find that it is no coincidence indeed to the next entries bookmarked for study… just one of many of these is … John 3:16.
THANK YOU GOD for the way You inspire these eyes to see… and the way that YOU have moved my heart to see with eyes of faith in ALL things.
Thank YOU that ‘according to our faith’ remains a part of God’s Master plan: mustardseed to established tree indeed – ALL done GODSPEED. <>< <>< <><
Yesterday’s prayers continue through this day in their urgency and constant needs. A butterfly confirms pictorially God’s working and that God’s Promises STAND. This heart lifts up each prayer continually with GREAT NEED for Counsel and The Holy Spirit interceding… on our behalf where know not what to plead… do know simply to BELIEVE and remain connected to THEE- and One way is by Your God breathed Word- that is not only living- even living in you and me. THANK YOU GOD that “The Promise is for (me) you and your children and for ALL who are far off—for ALL whom The Lord OUR God will call.” AMEN
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, God sent, Godspeed.