For God who said- "Let light shine out of darkness" made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2Cor4:6 & life verse)
On 28 April 2010 began my 100th Journal. The entries from yesterday and today leave a mark... as in a milestone of a continuing journey.
Two entries in one- noting that both together paired relevant.
28April10- Bible bookmarked at Luke 13:1-14:5 & 24:14-53. Luke 24:45 Then He (Jesus) opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. <><>
A place to significantly begin 100th journal... in illustrating with God's Word the purpose behind them(journals) all. Seeking of God's Truths is how the title pages read on them each. "In His Light...Before The Dawn"(R) what have come to title the entries and this quiet time. The tradition begun when a dear friend and first prayer partner Lenee loaned me a Bible- because did not have a good one of my own. Since did not feel could mark up her Bible pages, so began writing down in a journal, the verses that spoke to my heart or sought to learn more about. 100 Journals later, here I am , it is a glorious late spring day in SW FL. I am sitting out on back porch listening to beautiful song birds in the background, perfect temperature, gentle breeze, clear favorite shade of blue skies overhead; reminiscing and seeking - God's Truth to counsel the blessing of this day that He has made, from here, am always enabled to rejoice and be glad in it. In the simple Truth Joy is eternal; happiness temporal.As we learn by faith to consider it all Joy --- the reality that this does not mean all smiles -- so noted.
Here in Luke 24:36-49 "Jesus Appears to the Disciples" so that they could know the Truth in the Risen Lord. His first words to them: "Peace be with you" - the traditional greeting now given new significance by the resurrection.
This verse 24:45 - illustrates the Old made New, the same, never changing for all eternity yet born again in Christ Jesus - the resurrected Savior.
YES EVERYTHING fulfilled.... AND why He came. To fulfill the Father's Will.
SO as we humbly press on , we too may seek an desire this being fulfilled in us. Our minds opened so we can understand the Scriptures. GODs Living Word, GOD breathed to the eyes of our hearts.
My Life versed adorns this commemorative cover: 2 Corinthians 4:6. This verse is painted on the eyes of my heart for life. It too adorns the Bible cover made on canvas to cover my new Bible back in 1998. The first person that I showed it to was precious friend and counselor Dr. David Seamonds. The Bible before it, and that one too, pages worn a part, and now set aside to not come a part more. AM now on 3rd Bible. It was given to me by my church family at CUMC and Pastor Steve Miller; ironically on Sept. 11th 1999. A "NIV Study Bible" so could study as going through the Disciple Class. Long time only used as a reference Bible, it now in 2010 is my daily Bible.
God has surrounded me with much godly counsel and nurturing.... yes;
Then He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
I remain NO scholar or theologian, but a seeker of God's Truths as He reveals them to me.
I have learned much in these 100 journals, especially that , praise be, GOD is NOT done with me yet. The study notes in the NIV Bible share more insight into the context of the written word... beyond just my hearts interpretation and application. Many other in depth Bible studies, sermons, books... devotions continue to guide my seeking of Gods Truths.
The goal remains that God may counsel my spirit with His Spirit and direct my ways with His Ways. THAT I may serve Him and glorify His name... by His Grace alone in faith may press on... to take hold of that which He took hold of me for.
Luke 13:18 The Jesus asked, "What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? 19 It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air perched in its branches." <><><
there is GREAT joy in the Sovereignty of God
and much to learn in being still... and knowing HE is GOD.
May the reminiscing NOT digress from the motive of heart here -
To YES, be still, to seek, to heed all heard, to make a difference... and that 100 journals later from where beginning.... the journey continues in seeking Gods Truths' that His Truth may be the Counsel to guide my way in His Way to answer in the blessing of this day that He has made.
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, God sent, Godspeed.