What’s UP From a Depressed Economy and Depressed State…?
How do you recognize sign of depression? Well one may be that quiet time did not start until 11am… and it is usually before the dawn.
Have not been inspired to share here for a while now: Alas, with this New Year perhaps is a sharing anew “In His Light… Before the Dawn” is re-inspired.
From a depressed economy and quite frankly a depressed state of mind- comes today’s inspiration. And of course in God’s perfect timing no coincidence – I am sure to inspire His call to “press on…”
Romans 11:25-12:15 the book marked page. Brief inserts from there here:
Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable His judgments and His paths beyond tracing out. “Who has known the mind of the Lord OR who has been His Counselor?” Who has ever given to God, that they should repay Him?” For from Him and through Him and to Him be the Glory Forever! Amen (R11:33-36)
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is- His GOOD and pleasing and perfect will.
For by the grace God has given me- I say to every one of you: Do NOT think of yourself more highly than you ought, BUT rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. (R12:2,3)
Back- therefore to asking- what is good? That is, In light of God’s Word here & His calling? Good = that which leads to the spiritual and moral growth of the Christian.
So again- there you go- The question is the answer to the question of “what now or next?”?
What cleans up the signs of depression- literally? -AND spiritually? Do they differ?
What consequences of previous poor choices led to this state?
Its no coincidence God reminds us here it’s about renewing ones mind.
Transforming = it in itself is a process, not a single event.
Much like depression perhaps is as it as a flip side. It too is a process, NOT a single event?
So- again, there you go- how you answer “what now?” or “what’s next?” determines the direction of your transformation?
Have to speak with a question- in remembering from the doxology- “Who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been His Counselor?”
Do Not be transformed any longer to the pattern of this world… therefore appears to be the way NOT to continue. That sounds easy enough – until the rest of the Scripture verse- “…but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” and as it ends…”THEN you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – HIS good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Ok – there you go – go for it? Verse 3 reminds us to remember our source soberly so:
He therefore is our source to renew our minds. Staying real – in our choices that are choosing that which is of God and what is not. To stay responsible enough to TEST THE SPIRITS for signs of HIS GOOD pleasing and perfect will.
GOOD will lead to moral growth of the Christian. Any alternative choice will not.
“…in accordance with the measure of faith GOD has given you.”3
That measure of faith transforms and renews our mind more with each choice for God’s good taken by faith.
Is that enough to take a depressed state into its alternative? Again- what is the alternative- opposite of depressed?
Joy filled perhaps? What is the source of our joy eternally?
Depressed= sad, downcast. It is also given an economic definition of hardship.
Exhilarated is the Thesaurus Antonym.
Exhilarated = buoyed up, exalted, gladdened, uplifted.
So the choice to make if seeking the opposite of depressed is one that will uplift – raise up – from a sunken state?
How do you get there from here? Do believe R12:2 hold a KEY indeed… when kept in context. Do not conform any longer to that which keeps you held down to the ways of this world- that lead to death & decay on an eternity scale-
BUT – be transformed by renewing your mind to seek the opposite – that which holds eternity in its grasps and lifts your spirit and mindset to that level. Hold onto GOOD… a part of God’s will – His GOOD PLEASING AND PERFECT WILL.
Sometimes it is not the easy road- it is the path that reaches the eternal uplifting difference though.
Remember this too- along with the Doxology here- “If God is for us- whom can come against us?”
Rise up in this victory to assist you every step of the way of the renewing of your mind that He would love nothing more than to be a part of its transforming for GOOD to live out loud in every day of your today’s from here- to eternity!
May we indeed – “Press on…” and be uplifted to embark on the true blessing of the Day that God has made, that we may rejoice and be glad in it (that’s why it was made) one step at a time…
For “He is the lamp unto our feet…” That lamp lights that step… God knows the path without it being lit; He also knows that we do not. That is why HE gives us His Light to guide us. His Light is able to LIGHT EVERY STEP along the way if we choose it to. Yes – may “we press on…”
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, God sent, Godspeed.