Devotion On Bible bookmarked at Mark 6:9-41 Plus devotion on Mark 5:34; 5:25-34. The latter mostly the focus here.
How to gather in the completeness found in Christ… What makes these Truths into a word picture that the eyes of your heart can recognize?
Many passages here show people in a hurting world with lots of different hurts within it… seeking out a fix. Some quite desperate after years of trying everything else in the world to try and ‘fix’ the… need. As found really also as true today.
With not only persistence, determination, absolute faith-many will do anything to get to the answer to ‘fix’ the need- answer the need- we each in some way set out on our pursuit too. No real difference today, than depicted here.(5:25-34)
Today’s study brings me back to the first time a certain whisper was heard in the dark; “…the truth will set you free” It kept coming and seemed to increase its volume and frequency of coming. Perhaps in reply to the more and more that was being bombarded with at the time- that circumstances had literally brought me to thinking life was over as I knew it. Was running out of a belief was able to keep up a fight. Everything worked for and believed in was seemingly gone, revised. Why live on then? - confess pondered… almost seemingly in reply to all pondered -There continued this whisper “…the truth will set you free.” So, in thinking was listening to the whisper sought out all the info I could find in each situation at hand. Oh my goodness! Was that ever overwhelming! More and more of the details showed just how much was under attack. Helpless – to being able to control others actions or desires, or change the details, or fix the messes; simply existed through the day- in a numbed state. “Breath in, breath out, get up, …move”- mind coaxes to live on. Came to the conclusion- didn’t want anymore truth- it hurt too much. There was no way to survive these truths it seemed at the time. It was all too too much to bear. Too much.
Alas, think there is no coincidence God leads us to the Word that He does. Not to be mistakenly used as a ‘Jeannie in the bottle’ or ‘fortune teller’…
But as the God breathed Living Word of God that it is. The same God Breathed Word will answer both a crisis of belief and opens the eyes of the heart of a new believer.
Fact of the matter is – whatever circumstance we are experiencing there is another in a far worse one. THAT is NOT to make light of any of them. The amazing thing in any and all is the answer found in this whisper; “…the truth will set you free”. For that is only part of the whole story…
As are the passages we may read in any given day. None should be taken out of context- or used as your ‘horoscope reading for the day’ ‘fortune telling’, ‘genie in the bottle’ – It is the sacred Word of God; Holy & God breathed Counsel to answer any question we may have in any day.
In Mark 5:25-34 are crowds of people desperately trying to reach this ‘miracle worker’ they had heard of. Some were curious perhaps, others in desperate need… some true followers and believers.
Fast forward to the days events: “How does one make sense of it all, or the circumstances be faced with in this day? How can anything come to fix, or meet these needs?” in an old book of words written a long time ago?” you may ask.
Let’s attempt to hear them with the eyes of the heart of this woman here… and then hear Jesus’ amazing reply.
Because in doing so, what may actually be seen here are ‘eyes of faith’. We see here, a long suffering woman. First, understand the times at hand; she, not only is a women- but a bleeding women. In this day- that not only made here a second class unimportant grain of sand citizen, as a women; but she was also un-clean. She was one forbidden to touch or be touched by, because of her condition. Outcast for 12 years! No doctor seemingly could cure her- all sought cures failed… lots and lots of money spent, time spent, and her condition only worsened and continued. Could you imagine for twelve years being unable to openly touch or be touched? Setting the iron deficiency and bleeding aside as almost a secondary concern at this point? By no fault of her own, put in a place of shame.
Perhaps the history of the time- symbolism of the time makes this passage even more… enlightening – amazing – bold.
This ‘unclean’ woman went out amongst the crowds of people… in a determined effort. ‘She heard about Jesus- and believed that if she could get to Him and just touch Him she would be healed.’-(Wanda K. Jones)
She NOT alone in her pursuit either. The blind, lame, deaf, handicap young and old, some carried just to get to Jesus… on a hot dusty road swarmed with crowds pressing in on all sides.
In spite of any odds, persistently determined – this ‘untouchable women’ knew she only needed to touch Jesus and she would be healed. She sought Jesus, was determined to find Him.
To ‘touch’ has great meaning here. It had greater significance than many of the others pressing up against Jesus too.
It was a determined faith touch!
“Who touched My clothes” Jesus asks in Mark 5:30. Disciples say – ‘Uh Jesus, there are people pressing in on You on all sides- what do You mean ‘Who touched My clothes”??? (Paraphrased). This faith touch was different. Jesus and the ‘untouchable women’ knew it. She fell at Jesus’ feet and told Him why she did what she did. Jesus spoke to her in His language of love and absolute Truth…
“Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”(5:34)
Hear this reply with eyes of your heart in faith- as the Living God breathed Word that it is…
Jesus doesn’t care if the world thinks you are untouchable. Because when in faith we seek Him and His touch – He, removes the ‘untouchable’ status. He dispels it; heals it; Answers the heart in faith that calls on Him in faith. Then, Made NEW – in Christ.
From His touch on my life, I came to learn the rest of the whisper first heard and just what He meant in it…
It is found in John 8:31-36- The Red Letter, God breathed living Word of Christ to the heart reads; “If you hold to My teachings,(KJV- if you abide to My Word), you are really My disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.”(8: 31, 32)
Jesus quite simply is the answer to any and all. He is the Word made flesh (Jhn1:14) He is the Way, The Truth and The Life.
Reach out in faith to touch Him with your untouchable state. He will answer your need too. In faith simply ask Him.
“…your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering”,”…the Truth will set you free”, “so if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”- Jesus’ replies.
Red letter, Living Word of God, God breathed and relevant to every breath we take in our today’s. Thank you God. In Jesus’ name.
So, must confess, have sought the Truth, met the Truth, Abided in the Truth and have come to know the freedom of the Truth indeed….
And praise be in crisis of beliefs have been reminded of it again today as a prayer- Jesus- please touch this untouchable state. By faith know that Your touch will heal it.
In Jesus’ name. AMEN
Many passages here show people in a hurting world with lots of different hurts within it… seeking out a fix. Some quite desperate after years of trying everything else in the world to try and ‘fix’ the… need. As found really also as true today.
With not only persistence, determination, absolute faith-many will do anything to get to the answer to ‘fix’ the need- answer the need- we each in some way set out on our pursuit too. No real difference today, than depicted here.(5:25-34)
Today’s study brings me back to the first time a certain whisper was heard in the dark; “…the truth will set you free” It kept coming and seemed to increase its volume and frequency of coming. Perhaps in reply to the more and more that was being bombarded with at the time- that circumstances had literally brought me to thinking life was over as I knew it. Was running out of a belief was able to keep up a fight. Everything worked for and believed in was seemingly gone, revised. Why live on then? - confess pondered… almost seemingly in reply to all pondered -There continued this whisper “…the truth will set you free.” So, in thinking was listening to the whisper sought out all the info I could find in each situation at hand. Oh my goodness! Was that ever overwhelming! More and more of the details showed just how much was under attack. Helpless – to being able to control others actions or desires, or change the details, or fix the messes; simply existed through the day- in a numbed state. “Breath in, breath out, get up, …move”- mind coaxes to live on. Came to the conclusion- didn’t want anymore truth- it hurt too much. There was no way to survive these truths it seemed at the time. It was all too too much to bear. Too much.
Alas, think there is no coincidence God leads us to the Word that He does. Not to be mistakenly used as a ‘Jeannie in the bottle’ or ‘fortune teller’…
But as the God breathed Living Word of God that it is. The same God Breathed Word will answer both a crisis of belief and opens the eyes of the heart of a new believer.
Fact of the matter is – whatever circumstance we are experiencing there is another in a far worse one. THAT is NOT to make light of any of them. The amazing thing in any and all is the answer found in this whisper; “…the truth will set you free”. For that is only part of the whole story…
As are the passages we may read in any given day. None should be taken out of context- or used as your ‘horoscope reading for the day’ ‘fortune telling’, ‘genie in the bottle’ – It is the sacred Word of God; Holy & God breathed Counsel to answer any question we may have in any day.
In Mark 5:25-34 are crowds of people desperately trying to reach this ‘miracle worker’ they had heard of. Some were curious perhaps, others in desperate need… some true followers and believers.
Fast forward to the days events: “How does one make sense of it all, or the circumstances be faced with in this day? How can anything come to fix, or meet these needs?” in an old book of words written a long time ago?” you may ask.
Let’s attempt to hear them with the eyes of the heart of this woman here… and then hear Jesus’ amazing reply.
Because in doing so, what may actually be seen here are ‘eyes of faith’. We see here, a long suffering woman. First, understand the times at hand; she, not only is a women- but a bleeding women. In this day- that not only made here a second class unimportant grain of sand citizen, as a women; but she was also un-clean. She was one forbidden to touch or be touched by, because of her condition. Outcast for 12 years! No doctor seemingly could cure her- all sought cures failed… lots and lots of money spent, time spent, and her condition only worsened and continued. Could you imagine for twelve years being unable to openly touch or be touched? Setting the iron deficiency and bleeding aside as almost a secondary concern at this point? By no fault of her own, put in a place of shame.
Perhaps the history of the time- symbolism of the time makes this passage even more… enlightening – amazing – bold.
This ‘unclean’ woman went out amongst the crowds of people… in a determined effort. ‘She heard about Jesus- and believed that if she could get to Him and just touch Him she would be healed.’-(Wanda K. Jones)
She NOT alone in her pursuit either. The blind, lame, deaf, handicap young and old, some carried just to get to Jesus… on a hot dusty road swarmed with crowds pressing in on all sides.
In spite of any odds, persistently determined – this ‘untouchable women’ knew she only needed to touch Jesus and she would be healed. She sought Jesus, was determined to find Him.
To ‘touch’ has great meaning here. It had greater significance than many of the others pressing up against Jesus too.
It was a determined faith touch!
“Who touched My clothes” Jesus asks in Mark 5:30. Disciples say – ‘Uh Jesus, there are people pressing in on You on all sides- what do You mean ‘Who touched My clothes”??? (Paraphrased). This faith touch was different. Jesus and the ‘untouchable women’ knew it. She fell at Jesus’ feet and told Him why she did what she did. Jesus spoke to her in His language of love and absolute Truth…
“Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”(5:34)
Hear this reply with eyes of your heart in faith- as the Living God breathed Word that it is…
Jesus doesn’t care if the world thinks you are untouchable. Because when in faith we seek Him and His touch – He, removes the ‘untouchable’ status. He dispels it; heals it; Answers the heart in faith that calls on Him in faith. Then, Made NEW – in Christ.
From His touch on my life, I came to learn the rest of the whisper first heard and just what He meant in it…
It is found in John 8:31-36- The Red Letter, God breathed living Word of Christ to the heart reads; “If you hold to My teachings,(KJV- if you abide to My Word), you are really My disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.”(8: 31, 32)
Jesus quite simply is the answer to any and all. He is the Word made flesh (Jhn1:14) He is the Way, The Truth and The Life.
Reach out in faith to touch Him with your untouchable state. He will answer your need too. In faith simply ask Him.
“…your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering”,”…the Truth will set you free”, “so if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”- Jesus’ replies.
Red letter, Living Word of God, God breathed and relevant to every breath we take in our today’s. Thank you God. In Jesus’ name.
So, must confess, have sought the Truth, met the Truth, Abided in the Truth and have come to know the freedom of the Truth indeed….
And praise be in crisis of beliefs have been reminded of it again today as a prayer- Jesus- please touch this untouchable state. By faith know that Your touch will heal it.
In Jesus’ name. AMEN
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, God sent, Godspeed.