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Season's Close- Plein Air Oil - K.Hitt- Copyrighted ALL rights |
John 9:35- 10:21
9:39 Jesus said, "For judgement I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."
Noting- Jesus' presence divides people, and this always brings a type of judgement. Those who reject His gift, end up 'blind.'
Nothing politically correct in THIS TRUTH that demands our attention. For it is a TRUTH that remains whether one chooses to 'believe' it or not. This passage in its context is "Spiritual Blindness" John 9:35-41. It is sincerely believed witnessed in last nights political Presidential debate. Verse 40 notes that The Pharisees' found it incredible that anyone would consider them spiritually blind. Verse 41 notes that the Pharisees' claim to sight showed their complete unawareness of their 'spiritual blindness' and need. And though they claimed to have sight, their actions were evidence of their blindness.
This precisely witnessed and confess upset my peace ever since last night. In the NEED to work, had to stop all work and literally run to God in prayer. Pleading for 'Help please God' "I run to YOU' 'Holy Spirit, please counsel my spirit with Your Spirit' and turned to the God Breathed for my way. As God always does, His Truth, found in His Word, brought the much needed peace to meet the demands of this day. For though could 'SEE' that what had just witnessed and found troubling was John 9:35-41. God's answer follows in John 10:1-21 "The Shepherd and His Flock". Pick up at verse 7 where Jesus further explains where they did not understand 1-6.
10:7 Therefore Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I AM the gate for the sheep."
"I AM" noting in the Greek- the words are solemnly emphatic and echo Ex 3:14 'the bread of life' may mean 'the bread that is living' and/or 'the bread that gives life'
(10:8) This world gives 'false shepherds' - Inside 'the gate' there is safety, and one is able to go out and find pasture, i.e., the supply of all needs. This the PEACE sought desperately today - and needed. Felt over run by 'false shepherds:' whose interest ultimately is in himself. The opposite of Christ's interest which is in the sheep, us, why He is here, why He came. His sole desire is that they(us) have life to the full. 10:14-18 Continues how it is done, by love and willingness to sacrifice ALL for ALL. With NO BIAS or regard for self except to do God's will. For love, by love, in love, through love - IT IS DONE. THAT the thought my mind was led to take captive and to breathe in and breathe out.
Let me repeat it:
For love, by love, in love, through love - it is done - in Jesus' name.
by it the much needed peace restored, so that may indeed go out and find the supply for ALL needs. Not in one ultimately here to serve self interests over Gods' interest.
10:11 "I AM the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep"
Praise be to God - HE HAS OUR BACK
He is the foundation by which this land was founded. 'God bless America' not only remains our prayer, 'One Nation Under God' remains our motto.
"If my people humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways...'(paraphrase)
it is our way to enter in 'The Gate' of Christ Jesus' pastures still. The TRUTH, praise God remains, and Jesus speaks it, is it, gives it that we may live in it should we choose to.
I choose NOT TO FRET at the blind, I instead choose Christ, therefore He restores my vision, that I indeed may truly see. Thank you God for the Way, The Truth, and The Life - in Christ, given to us each that seek it. In Jesus' name I pray, and so thank You that I may - Amen <><<><<><