Lion sized respect.
Respect belongs
on the scale with Love?
Is this a smack in the head realization?
One must
respect… to love.
Is this
A part of the circle of thoughts is this: One of my all time favorite
Bible studies over the years has been the “
Experiencing God” Bible study.
Something that always stood out in that is
that our God Experience does not rely on just one source.
It’s more like five sources converging
together to make a point.
Examples: Reading
in the Word, Pastoral Sermon, visuals, conversations, study... Our need to test
the spirits is plural.
So the study:
Writing on The Wall,
chapter 5 AND Den Of Lions… in
Chapter 6.
Before reading the latter, a visual comes to mind… a
painting (NEXT, I hope) of Daniels back to the
lions, as he looks up to a stream of light that comes in from the top of the
The significance of this visual is
it represents a picture of faith in action.
Because Daniel, not only by faith prayed and believed in his God before
the ruling of the new king, he also continued when presented with the
consequences of living out loud his faith. He simply continued to pray and looked
to God with complete TRUST.
GOD has Daniels back and he knew it, whether he lived or died it did
not matter – he simply did ALL that he was, as a believer… even when thrown into the Den of lions.
Dr. David Jeremiah- ‘Hope as used in the Bible in its Greek root and
defined in the Bible: Hope is not a state of mind, it is a fact.’ Think it is no
coincidence that heard this in the midst of today’s ponderings. Today’s quiet
time, is two days… and and and…. “Experiencing God”? Well I digress.
Think there may be multiple lessons for us all in this visual… of faith.
As Jesus teaches; give to Caesar that which is due to Caesar, and to
God that which is due to Him…(Matthew, will come back to this)
Daniel here is an illustration
of living that faith out loud Biblically.
We live in turbulent times today too… where our leaders just may tell us
it is the LAW to do something, allow something, pay something that we do not
believe GOD would ordain as His Spiritual Truth or Command to do.
John 8:31-32 tells us more of Jesus’ ideal
here too.
These Scriptures that were in
part whispered into my ear, which awakened my spirit to seek and ultimately to
read the Bible was, “…the Truth will set you free” many years ago. Hearing only
this small portion, is just like if you only listen to half of the context of
this full scripture, you will miss its full relevance as the “God breathed”
into your lives – That is also true here in the Old Testament often told ‘tale’
of Daniel in The Den of Lions.
These WHOLE Truths are very important reminders to living in today’s
times… and yes this political season we are in too.
Perhaps read all of these passages to
familiarize with them again;
Daniel 6: the entire chapter.
You may want to go back as far as
5 TheWriting On The Wall to see Gods intercession leading up to here.
Then Reading
Matt 22:16-22
All of these put into greater perspective the God breathed here…
As I ponder the imagery from Daniel 6… it has potential for violence
and battle and mean spirited debates at the radically opposing points of view
shared here.
Daniel is an example for us all on how to live out loud our faith,
especially when being told “to do” that which we in spirit know goes against
the Spirit of God.
Remembering, It is NOT for us to judge – it is not for us to bow down
to a wrong either. We are adamantly in
all of these reminded to STAND in our faith; to only bow down to God in prayer.
The key here is in faith… NOT in our
self righteous attitude. Simply
reflect His Spirit in our spirit by continuing to live out loud our faith. Yes debates may come and it may feel like you
have been thrown into a den of lions sometimes by the personal attacks and literal
persecutions for your faith…
BUT hold to the visual here in Daniel… The painting to paint… Daniels
back to the lions… and his eyes simply looking up to the flicker of light that
always remains by faith- Keep your eyes on the face of GOD… Christ Jesus.
HE has your back… and just like here with Daniel, on the scheme of the
big picture you will come out unscaved…
plus, by the reflection of peace in our actions… and ability to stand and
persevere – it will allow witness to
others of why it may be wiser to trust in GOD and what is The Truth than it is
to trust in what the latest political whim, or moral tolerance that the world
standards has defined. It’s not for
you to judge – God has your back there too. It is for you to stand in Faith;
give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is Gods. Don’t be deceived. Test the spirits against Gods Spirit. Stand in His Truth.
To…. Who had believed Him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to My teaching (KJV-
word), you are really My disciples. Then
you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
YUP- Jesus has your back
Even in the den of lions.
Day 2 studied continued Coins… Daniel… Lion sized respect… etc..
Under the heading Respect: Noted verses yesterday to review Job
Looked back to
Isaiah 8:21, Read
here in this latter, Jesus distinguished clearly the differences between God
and Caesar; while not stepping into the Pharisee’s trap. So LOVE this passage for its brilliance. It is one we all should regularly note in our
spirits perhaps too. Genius of Truth cannot be denied – OR
argued against.
Beauty of it actually is it
nullifies all arguments.
Pause a moment and ponder that.
Do you not think perhaps that this – this is the FREEDOM of which Jesus
speaks to in John 8? …The Truth will set
you free”??
It brings back the word RESPECT too.
Be careful how you act and speak, don’t fall into the carefully or just
maliciously laid traps before you. Many
of those traps will be preceded with compliments, as Jesus’ was here. First they flattered Him, before they
attempted to trap Him.
Wisdom and Truth could NOT be denied though or trapped.
This brings me back to the OT passages in Daniel too…
“Daniel In The Den Of Lions”. Do
you see the parallels? Wow!
Let me paint a bit… Hear how Daniel silenced the rulers and all by
simply standing in the TRUTH. The attempted
trap by the Pharisees of Jesus was similar to the kings found here in Daniel.
Accept the king found himself completely stepping into it. Daniel though was the target…
With GOD… all things can work together for His GOOD purposes for those
that love and trust in Him!
Ponder the depth of these thoughts in your day to days… too?
Because yes, we may just find ourselves in a den of lions none too
soon… or as Jesus standing between two opposing points of views – and frankly
silencing them all with the simplistic TRUTH of God living out loud in our
actions. This the thought of God’s wisdom
speaking ABOVE the crowd, so to say, not you.
That is where we are truly called to stand. I confess on a personal note
I try hard to NOT get into political debates these days. Though am very
passionate. Sincerely KNOW they are
arguments that no one can win. The extremes are worse than ever, horridly so.
Again Daniel is a good example of how to do this?
I do thank God for bringing me to these Scriptures in the LIVING Word
of God, God breathed into today- and from the Old Testament to the New, oh so
VERY relevant to EVERY breath we take in our today’s.
The side I choose to be on is
the omnipotent omnipresent Gods. That is the measuring stick by which to
test the spirits. ALL sides RESPECTED and answered to, according
to ONLY what they are due. Daniel
here shows us how to truly live out our faith and silence all oppositions in
the process… simply by standing or more importantly, finding his way from his
knees. In spite of what any governing
authority might say, our first call remains to the one who first loved us… and
the GOOD NEWS remains… He has our back, we may keep our eyes on Him… and in the
scheme of the big picture- Ultimately just like Daniel, we will come out
unscaved- AND – respect will be paid while witness is of
All JOY is in The Sovereignty of God by our simplistic reply. Don’t be deceived. Test the spirits against Gods Spirit. Stand in His Truth
YUP, Jesus has your back, even in a den of lions…
And it also silences every opposing argument… Pay close attention to
how Daniel and Jesus stood their ground:
Never in pompous self righteousness… always in simplistic absolute
TRUTH. Respect – if you give it, it
comes back to you too.
Additional ponderings… Constitution … It is America’s foundation by
which this Nation has been enabled to be the Nation that it is. We ARE
One Nation Under God. If that foundation is stripped away, we will be fair game
to every prowling lions gaze. Our
nation stands under the authority of our great Constitution, before it, comes
our foremost allied and authority, God. I’m
not here to argue with anyone over anything.
I have NO authority or wisdom to do so.
I simply know who I trust and believe in above all else. There is an important Scripture to also
remember in these turbulent – political times – and may every leader find their
way this way…
“If my people humble themselves … and pray…” In the United States of America, our greatest
freedom of “We the people…” is our freedom to pray, next, it is to vote. We do not have to hide away like Daniel days – and
as long as we love and respect and give due to all due… and in motive of pure
heart and spirit PRAY – I sincerely believe – The God of ‘all things are
possible’ has our way in His hands, and He is how we may stand up in His Ways
in our ways today. May the GOD breathed
– breathe life into our every breath… for that is the breath that truly gives
us life.
This two day entry, is longer than most… I apologize for the rambling, this
is where the artist wishes could paint as fast as I think or type.
I know this one thing… I am NO authority and know nothing on the scale
of LIFE. I do know that One that does. And, just like Daniel, I have power to trust and
obey Him. I can do more by doing this
sometimes, then by protesting in ‘my authority’ or with ‘my opinions’ to the
believed misguided rules and regulations governed over me. I do NOT have to believe them to be correct
or right either. The WORD picture here
that believe God wants to be seen… is the manner in which the One with ALL
authority speaks. Respectably. Respect. Respect does not mean accepting that which is
wrong... no. We never have the right, to
do that which is wrong. We may always
respectably do what we know is the right thing to do, in Gods eye. Re-read these passages to see how to do
that. Don’t trust me for goodness sakes…
simply Trust in the brilliance of God
and His God breathed to your heart from His. Live out loud the LIVING Word of
God, in proper context… always TEST
the spirits against Gods Spirit.
Keep your face, seeking His face… walk that way – trust and obey – Jesus
indeed has your back…
Respecting always He is the Amen in Amen and Amen.
You are no better than the one that you may bow down AGAINST… Only GOD
A few of the words from a Song lyrics at Sunday’s worship service…
“All authority
Every Victory
Is Yours Jesus
Jesus Awesome in Power forever
He overcame
Awesome and great is His Name
Savior is worthy of honor and glory
Jesus awesome in honor and power forever
Great is Your name.”
Dr. David Jeremiah- “Hope as used in the Greek and defined in the
Bible: Hope is not a state of mind, it is a fact.”
Yup… keep your eyes looking to God in sincere prayer… especially when
you find yourself in a den of lions for doing so…
He has your back, forever and ever … In Jesus’ name AMEN
GOD is who has given us our rights
And we are free
To live out loud His God Breathed Truths to us…
God sent Godspeed
Detail of Sapped A Snap- Pastel- K Hitt Copyrighted |
Ponderings. Ponderings. Ponderings. EDITED OUT… but couldn’t bring
myself to delete… guess it’s the pac rat in me.
So this
means when meeting anyone, have to ask; what is the way to show proper respect
to them?
BUT also
remember that as harshly as I judge – I will be judged… we all will be.
God alone
holds that ultimate title of Judge. In all things, It’s NOT about me, you, us…
it’s about God… All God. That is easy to say, and know, radically different to
live out loud. Alas, I love Him so much…
and thank Him so much that I may… and thank Him for the fact that every thought
truly can be made captive to Him. In this I am reminded to NOT talk too much
and to listen more… I know NOTHING on the scale of God’s eternal purpose. That thought may visually look like a grain
of sand on one side of the scale, and eternity on the other. Yup, don’t measure up.
Why ponder respect? Respect; if I must respect one to love them…. Um….
THAT is a bit of a humbling smack in the head, as before mentioned thought.
For what does God teach us is the greatest commandment? Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your spirit, and all your
strength. Ok, so what’s the big deal with Respect related to that? That’s
pretty easy to do when it comes to God… to Respect God, along with love
Ahhhhhhhhhh but the second command:
And Love your neighbor as yourself.
Hah! There is a big “I’ve got this”???… when you add respect to this
equation. Respect my enemy I’m thinking is as hard as loving my enemy. And it doesn’t even have to go to the extreme
of enemy… simply one in a disagreement
with, or, it need go no further than the mirror. Respect oneself? Respect…. Hmm. Confess, I have always applied the
perspective that one had to EARN respect.
I also confess I still kind of think that. Don’t you? THAT is why this
is a SMACK IN THE HEAD thought process going on here….. AND …only thing
guaranteed here is this: I DON’T HAVE
THE ANSWERs… or the questions.
Because all of these ponderings came, in part when turning to latest
Bible book mark in Daniel 6, one of the Old Testaments familiar tales. Sometimes it’s hard to not read a familiar
passage as a know it all. THAT, called me pause, and remind myself that I am
reading the LIVING WORD of God. Soon as
that thought… the smacks in the head, ‘duh’ seemingly began. “Pay attention” “Be still” “Read” “Study”
“Listen”… and in God’s much gentler whisper than mine… “…The Truth will set you
free” to live out loud God’s Word, Godspeed, with Lion sized respect
indeed. We all may seek The Truth, meet
The Truth, hear The Truth, and come to know the freedom of abiding in The
Truth. AMEN.