In His Light…Before The Dawn, a cherished time, a God given
retreat and place of refuge, restoration, renewal, retrospective, revival,
renderings inspirations, simply put: Breath of Life, to this life… that begun
some 141 journals ago. Do believe it is
Gods way of also taking ones weaknesses, and growing them into their strengths
and gifts.
An utter ‘exceedingly more’ has abounded of late—the good,
the bad and the ugly of it.
Overwhelming, and seemingly seeking to suck the breath right out of
me. Have witnessed the habitual also
birthing new. For my favorite time of
the day- In His Light…Before The Dawn-
has birthed another gift “Slices of Red – Awakenings” and the
inspiration on how to render them to share the gift. For Gary and I’s new home, I do believe that
its most beloved part is the Masterpiece Theater that unfolds anew here, before
the dawn every morning. God’s gift is
also in the fact that photographs just cannot capture them. Michelangelo-“The
true work of art is but a shadow of the Divine perfection” echoes the
humbling reality too as I am inspired to paint this new series of paintings.
Alas, God is so GOOD- amidst struggles, if you simply
remember to take every thought captive and obedient to Christ; ‘let go let God’
– His, exceedingly more than you could ever hope for or imagine blankets! Slices
of Red – Awakenings remains the inspiration birthed. Now, I must apply it! The inspiration to work, is a gift steered by
His motive of heart I pray in mine.
The battlegrounds remain, beauty from ashes in His hands do
too. Frankly, I can not keep up with ALL
the NEW- so what did God do? He brought me back to where I began, anew In His Light… Before The Dawn with Slices Of Red- Awakenings as my wake up
call. My wake-up call to PAINT.
Step away from (do not even know how to share the list) and
simply apply Gods breath of life in your life, with your life and its work,
seems to be the call heard. It is why I
breath, and it is why I paint.
So, just as I revised my Vision Restoration Eye Chart with
God’s Word, I shall apply life’s new glorious distraction too—without adding
pressure—simply, seeing, by faith where it leads and when the display of this
new series of painting will be displayed at the miracle studio which is another gift in the midst of waking up to
its New Season too: An Original Hitt-
Fine Art & Atelier Karen Ann Hitt’s working Art Studio’s is where this newest
journey shall be put on display – Godspeed.
Godspeed has fueled it, thanks be to God.

There is so very much that has NOT been shared with others,
simply haven’t known how to. To say that
so much has been happening in this New Season, is an understatement. Few are aware of the things like, when I
received the call that there was a spot for me as faculty at PACE16, I didn’t
know if I would be coming to it, with, or without hair. Plus, domino effects and the aftermath as i continue
to work on retraining my Ciliary muscles after the gift of amazing eye
surgeries, which restored my loss vision. These surgeries became the least of my worries
after losing my sister/best friend, then a week later my husband being bay
flighted in the midst of a heart attack.
He, experiencing full recovery PTL! A few days after he came home from the
hospital, and just before my first eye surgery, I receive a call that they think that I have lung cancer! A lung biopsy needs scheduled asap! One of
those calls you NEVER are ready for.
On top of which I can’t tell my husband about this call, because he just
had a heart attack, and I can’t tell my family either, it would all be too much
after we just loss our sister/daughter. Can
you say NUMB. Life became very
numbing. All of this came about after being
back home barely a week, post traveling in our RV for 5 months, yes, living the
dream on our USA Honeymoon. Comparing
that to my solo 5 month journey living out of my trusty steed; which was also
living the dream on the GLF tour. Stepping
out and up, emphasizing growing as an artist to meet the next season in life, a
3 year, intentional added focus and study;
God only knew just how much
change was ahead in this next season.
It is still in a whirlwind.
All working together to the good, as only God could orchestrate it, yet
overwhelming and at times still numbing.
Add to these relocating, organizing and moving out of a home after being
there 21 years, into a glorious new place up in the sky… with a husband! Who
knew!?! Moving out of the home that God
provided for the children and I, in that starter home that lived in 21 years,
it too is now moving into its ALL NEW Season. It, until their wedding day at
the least, the new home completely of their own for my oldests child. No longer anything to do with ‘home’ in the
sense ALL now in either a storage unit, donated, or minimally in Gary and I’s
new home.
Letting go of the trials like computers crashing, external
hardrives erasing themselves of all the references you thought were saved, the
post office returning your mail to sender from your work place, simply put the
list is toooo long to fit into a sensible sound bite, so, what does God do?
Yes, He shows how He is making ALL things new, and working ALL things together
for His good purposes and that I quite simply have work to do. New Work, New Inspirations from life’s daily
distraction up here in the sky, Slices of
Red- Awakenings coming about during a beloved time that has long been a
source of my hope and my strength in God’s Work In His Light… Before The Dawn the name given to quiet time
journaling. God simply reminds, he not
only provides, He inspires, and He makes beauty from ashes- EVERYTIME:
GODSPEED. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is
faithful. And let us consider how we may
spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:23-24-
God answers Every prayer Godspeed. Pressing on in faith that the Day after a
literal meltdown, God replied with this:
Pull the curtains back; a flock of
Ibis fly by on eye level, summer sky, pinkish orange while the sun, a huge red
ball comes up in slices through the cool lavender horizons cover.
Lush deep greens abound in the
foreground, summers thunder and rains reflection on their plumes. Mangroves drink in the inter-coastal waterways
wake, sheltering the manatee as it gently grazes on the sea grasses.
The hot humid haze along the
horizons line, diffused with day light breaking through as the sun continues it
rise; illuminating from behind the haze – a warm glow greets this new day – as
osprey sing out its time to begin…
As the deer pants for streams of
water, so I long for You, O God. I
thirst for God, the Living God. (Psalm 42:1-2) Explains the chosen days
fast. Scattered thoughts do not change
the hearts beat, the hearts motive…
A heart that loves You Lord and so
thanks You that it may. Make within me a
pure heart O Lord- removed mercifully so any offensive ways in me O Lord.
Guide this heart with Your motive O
Lord, Counsel this spirit with Your Spirit – renew my strength and inspirations
Lord – soaring as like on the wings of eagles – gliding above the heat and the
beat of turmoil discerning where best to land; where the sighting both inspires
and feeds Your Good purposes. Thank You
for the blessings Lord – they do abound.
Thank you that Your love endures forever. Thank You for Tara and Gary helping me here –
where I am weak – where any of us are weak—YOU orchestrate all the parts to
make for a beautiful song of Gods great love to be played. May
utizie Your gifts and Talents in a manor that they may multiply ten,
twenty, hundred fold for Your honor and glory, Godspeed my Lord, Godspeed.
(journaling from June 28,’16)

So, I read my Vision Restoration Chart again – and again –
and again – and THANK GOD that I may, and that He is the Great Physician for us
all… as I breathe in His Breath of Life with no lung cancer, and try to tame my
unrulely hair- that remains God’s greatest reminder to me daily and illustrates
His sense of humor too, for my hair is God’s daily reminder that I have ZERO
CONTROL! Thank YOU GOD – for Godspeed is perfect EVERYTIME