
Sunday, July 31, 2011


Loves Revelation

I have been feeling GUILTY about some notes sent out in defense of protecting self characteristics. It turns out, to some degree…. Perhaps very well should have been. Because, have for the umpteenth time been reminded that God’s PLAN for LOVE is NOT about SELF at all, or does it have any place for SELF SERVING! Yup. Received a real LOVE REVELATION this morning.
You see, I allowed myself to be broken hearted and blue, because somebody didn’t react the way that I hoped that they would. Ever happen to you? Been running to God a LOT lately reciting the Scripture in part in Romans; “Take EVERY thought captive…” and did so AGAIN this morning.
Here is in part, how that went:
OK, the thought was feeling guilty. THAT is not of God in the manor if it only tears down and does not make a place to learn. For GOD did not give us a spirit of FEAR. My guilty feelings were really fear.
So, out of that fear: WANT to interject more info? WANT to control them enough so that they want to be connected to me? Is this ALL I want – control of another’s emotions so can think they may care about me? Is this the sick way I have twisted my hope and desire to having one to love honor and cherish? Or in simplicity to outwardly love?
MORE questions than answers indeed. It is probably a GOOD thing to know how to love, honor and cherish, to outwardly love. I know I fail at trying to apply only part of my feelings or heart. HERE is the Love Revelation that came from this/these….
It is NOT about me!!! It doesn’t matter if others ‘get me’ or ‘understand how much I care’!!!
THIS is not to say am not supposed to care. Think am suppose to care any ways. Am to do so perhaps silently- and with random acts of kindness though instead???? DUH?!
Ok, Relationship.
How am I to get this right if seemed to have mastered only broken relationships? Is that my problem? I don’t know how to have any other kind of relationship?
OK, stop the “me”, remembering to take every thought captive…
LOVE whether anyone cares or not. LOVE whether any one shares it or not. LOVE whether any one receives it or not.
Love doesn’t smother. Don’t force yourself on to others who dare to think they might care?
“LOVE bears all things.” How is this lived? ... and how is this lived in our human condition?
I deserve nothing! YET, through Christ’s LOVE have everything!
KEY: Am NOT suppose to keep that everything for self- am suppose to pass it on- to all and any that are willing to receive it.
RECEIVE IT! WILLING to receive it! Receive the love! To receive the love is FREE WILL!
Freewill- it is the JOY in the Sovereignty of God! Freewill! We can’t make someone receive it either – if they don’t want to. DUH! Don’t we already know this!?
See God’s perfection in this though, instead of a place for possible rejection. Instead, it is FREEDOM TO LOVE. FREE TO LOVE. NOT responsible to do anything else. Love God with ALL our heart soul mind spirit and strength. And the second is like it. Love our neighbor as our self.
DOESN’T say here – make them love you! It simply says to openly and freely and with all that you are – LOVE!
Fear of rejection should not enter in here – BECAUSE it doesn’t matter. That is not what it is about – that has nothing to do with God’s plan. God’s plan is simple – its LOVE.
“God so loved He gave…” He first loved so that we may love. We may love as He ONLY if we choose to receive His love. When we choose to receive this great love – we then also may love as God. How does God love? “God so loved He gave…” GAVE!
Receive is the free will that He also safe guarded with (gave).
NOT made to-
It is what we are made FOR! And called to actively do. In so doing –we give –let go –let GOD. Be still and know that HE is God! THAT has not changed. Nor has His call – Nor has His commands! They all begin as began in the beginning with LOVE. “God so loved He gave…” It too is our call, LOVE.
So- if theme given is “Believe – Love – Give” –it is what it is indeed.
If no one wants to receive –it doesn’t mean to stop. Not sure how to do - alone. This is simply more of God’s Sovereignty to see in His Master Plan. We are NOT designed to go it alone. We are NOT designed to be an island. NOTHING in God’s plan is about SELF!!!!
Believe – Love – Give
Remains the theme. NOT demand, not manipulate, not create –
Just DO as has been done for us. “God so loved that He gave…” Through His Indescribable Gift of life through Jesus Christ we too may carry on to do the same. Any that deny our love is NOT to our shame. Also remember His line in the sand too ---------
But He does command us to. There IS a difference. Free Will.
Choice remains. Not to force others – to JUST DO. Not to smother others – JUST BE
Free Will is the KEY in the JOY of God’s Sovereignty – and our theme: Believe – Love – Give whole heartedly
In Jesus’ Name