
Friday, June 24, 2011

Been Almost A Year... came here, inspired as have been many times to enter a "In His Light...Before The Dawn" entry here, but do not always (obviously) act upon it; today's poked a little harder on me. So today, almost a year since last entry here goes, this mornings "In His Light... Before the Dawn" renewed.

Many Bookmarks: yesterdays Luke 4:39-5:17; 21st Luke 18:41-19:48; 3 prior to these - Luke 11:23-12:59 and Eph 6:10-24

Think will return 1st to the 21st. Luke 18:41-19:48; Actually 41:
"What do you want Me to do for you?"
"Lord, I want to see," he replied.
42 Jesus said to him, "Receive your sight; your faith has healed you."

<>< <>< <>< "your faith has healed you" a reminder of how life verse 2Cor 4:6 comes to life: For God who said, "let light shine out of darkeness," made His light shine in our hearts to give to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

<>< <>< <>< That 'faith' is literally as we 'walk by faith not sight.' Its that unknown certainty that we know is out there - but not sure what or why - just is the "more" we were put here on this earth to live for. It is more than a blind man seeking 'to see" - it is all that we are, seeking "to be" !!! To be all we were designed to be" In all of our imperfections & needs --- 'I want to see' is our prayer. And by faith our answer to it shall come... according to our faith, IS how we will see. This is truth in all its complexity AND simplicity. What does it mean? What shall come of me? Where shall I go? What shall I do ? Whow shall I do it with ? When? The barrage of questions linger... or peraps even scream and distract. There is a peace given & made possible, not by ANYTHING that WE may do. Simply by faith, we may see... in life's uncertainties with complete certainty. <>< <>< <>< now the personal...
wow, God, this is where I wake indeed. Thank YOU for Your gentle reminder - in spite of me - and my desire to KNOW the answer to EVERY question before me... the ansers come with another clarity - PEACE - it is well.
"Receive your sight," "Your faith has healed you." ...indeed.

Thank you God. All these scriptures bookmarked - this the first one re-read this morn. According to my faith its meaning speaks to my heart Your heart... I believe.
May I seek, hear, heed - Your way that You would have me press on IN faith. In Jesus' name I pray.

The painting posted here "When Darkness Comes... Look To The Light" is an illustration of my life verse and was the 1st painting painted, after almost a year of not painting. Seemed appropriate to post with today's entry too.

May it be an UP day, for all indeed... Godspeed.