Bookmark: Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but NOT with God; ALL things are possible with God." (mk10:27)
The complete passages hold the complete lessons, and are worth reading, and then v27 entered here once again. The young man is v20 declares "Teacher"... "All these I have kept..."
<>< In this the man spoke sincerely because for him keeping the law was a matter of external conformity. The totality that the law ALSO required INNER obedience, (which no one can fully satisfy) apparently escaped him completely. Paul even speaks of having a similar outlook before his conversion (Php3:6)
Underline in your mind- escaped him completely which also underlines Jesus' request of him. Verse 21 Jesus looked at him AND LOVED HIM. “One thing you lack," He said. "Go sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. THEN come, follow me."
There is NO indication that Jesus' command to him was meant for ALL Christians.
If your LOVE / NEED is in Your processions too- or how much money or wealth you have- then Jesus' Rx is also to you.
It is often said secularly even- "the love of money is the ROOT of all evils." This young man Jesus LOVED! DO NOT miss this part of the message. Treasure in heaven was and IS Jesus' goal /purpose for us each: The GIFT of eternal life, or salvation. The treasure is NOT to be earned by self-denial or giving of one's material goods BUT is to be received by FOLLOWING Jesus. In giving, away his wealth, the young man would have removed the obstacle that kept him from trusting in Jesus.
V10:22 describes the young mans tragic decision to turn away. This reflected a greater love for his possessions than for eternal life. V10:25 is a word picture of what is HUMANLY impossible.
Therefore, IF - and only IF what you HAVE is loved MORE ...ummm, well then - God's LOVE for you may find it necessary to reveal that to you. The one thing that you think you need--- MAY just be the "ONE THING YOU LACK” AND
is keeping you from spiritually or INNER (the heart) obedience to God.
A mission speaker at church once shared it using a paper/deed/note.... as the illustration. Where in our words we say "Here", "Take it, it is yours".... BUT our thumb may be holding onto that last little piece or corner of the page as it is being handed over. With man, this IS impossible to do alone.
V26 shows that even the disciples with such a word picture illustration asking each other "who then can be saved?"
For EACH and EVERYONE of us have that ONE THING that is the CAMEL trying to go through the eye of a needle. Is it your children? Your spouse? Your bank account? Your home? What may it be for you? Whatever it is... that is why "Jesus looked at them and said, "With MAN this IS impossible, but NOT with GOD. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD."
<>< we can NOT do this on our own. To stay in context V29-31 "I tell you the truth"- a solemn affirmation used by Jesus to strengthen His assertions here. ..."a hundred times as much... and with them persecutions" The life of discipleship is a combination of promise AND persecution, blessing and suffering.
TAKE NOTE of THIS TRUTH: GOD takes NOTHING from a Christian without making multiplied restoration in a new and glorious form. Paradoxically, fellowship, with other believers develops most deeply in persecution. V31 'first will be last' is a warning against pride in sacrificial accomplishments (see what Peter spoke in verse 28) GOD sees ALL and KNOWS the motive of HEART IN ALL. God does NOT WANT your possessions OR for you to go without them. To truly follow Him does take ones WHOLE HEART, so whatever interferers with that ---- take NOTE of… and ask God with a sincere heart by faith what the Rich Young Man asked Jesus in V17 “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”
When he asked the question he was thinking in terms of EARNING righteousness to merit eternal life, but Jesus teaches it is A GIFT to be received.
Our only hope is in total reliance on God, who alone can give eternal life. To LIVE this – is to reach beyond the external actions – into the internal… THERE lies the depth of ALL.
There is NOTHING outside that can truly separate us from God (Rm 8:39) but the motive of our heart in holding on to these (external things) can keep us from kingdom living. THAT is the message spoken to here, “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness” – “He did not waiver in unbelief concerning the promises of God”
Even if God told him to sacrifice his son Isaac – Abraham KNEW God promised him that son and therefore would give him back to him. AND the amazing thing in this – in the giving up to GOD by faith in Him-
To the immeasurable place it resides in / with GOD.
It is hard to fathom words to wrap around this Truth being illustrated. Even here I can hear Jesus say “he who has ears to hear let him hear”…
Also- “do not boast – ACCEPT in the Lord… and in what He has done”
YES<>< All that we have is of God and a precious Gift received. There is NO GREATER love or sacrifice that has already been given for you than that given once and for all by Jesus Christ for us. These passages are to ask us to GIVE as HE has given to us- ‘With man this is impossible, but NOT with God; ALL things ARE POSSILE with GOD.”
Thank you God for how great IS Your love
In Jesus’ name <>< Amen<><